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Adelaine woke up the next morning and looked to her side. A grin spread across her face when she saw Mia asleep on Evan's lap. Mia started to stir and Evan shot awake. He looked down at Mia and let out a breath. He sat back and kept his arms around her.

"She's trying to steal my man." Adelaine chuckled. Evan looked over at her. He turned in his seat and pulled it closer to the bed.

"How are you feeling, baby?" he asked.

"Pretty good considering I was just shot and won't walk normally again." she sighed sadly.

"I told you, we'll figure something out." Evan said. Adelaine nodded and looked back at him and Mia.

"So..." she motioned to Mia and smirked.

"She came in here last night while you were asleep. I told her she could lay next to you but she just climbed on my lap." He brushed the little girls hair out of her face as small snores came from her lips.

"She seems to like you." Adelaine smiled. Evan chuckled.

"She asked me yesterday if I was your boyfriend." he told her. Adelaine chuckled. "And apparently you make the best pancakes."

Adelaine sighed and looked at her daughter. "I'm so happy she's okay."

"I know you are." Evan smiled at her.

"So do I have to stay in this bed forever?" she asked.

"I don't know." Evan sighed. "We have to find you crutches but your body is gonna be sore for a couple of days."

Adelaine nodded before Mia started to stir awake. She yawned and rubbed her eyes with her tiny hand. She sat up but flopped back down onto Evan. Both adults laughed and Mia looked at them.

"Goodmorning mommy." Mia smiled.

"Morning, baby." Adelaine reached over and rubbed her back. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah." Mia looked up at Evan smiled. "Your boyfriends really nice." Adelaine couldn't help but grin when she said that.

"He is, isn't he?" Adelaine looked at Evan and smiled.

"Mm-hmm." Mia hummed. "Are you okay mommy?" she pointed to the wrap around Adelaine's stomach and back.

"I will be. Just got to rest for a few days." Adelaine told her.

"I'm hungry." Mia rubbed her stomach and Evan chuckled.

"Well, I think Beth made some breakfast. How about we go eat princess?" he told her. Mia nodded frantically and climbed off his lap. She got onto the bed with Adelaine and hugged her tightly.

"He thinks I'm a princess." she giggled in her moms ear. Adelaine chuckled and looked at Evan. Mia climbed down and grabbed Evan's hand, pulling him out of the cell.

"I love you!" Evan tried to say before he left. Adelaine only laughed.


A couple hours later Adelaine huffed and tried to sit up. Her back ached and it hurt a little to move. She grabbed her bag off the floor and pulled out a notebook. She started sketching out a brace she could make for her leg when she heard gunfire.

"What the hell?" she asked to herself. She tried to stand up but almost fell to the floor, forgetting she had no feeling in her left leg. "Goddamn it."

She held onto the wall and pushed herself out of the cell. She gripped onto the bars of the cell doors as she pulled herself through the cell block.

"Come on. Don't be a pussy." she muttered and used all of her strength to get to the door. As she opened the door she heard the gunfire stop. She hopped on one leg across the main room.

Just as she got outside she heard the sound of a car. She looked out into the field and saw a truck release walkers.

"Shit." the gunfire started again and Adelaine limped over to Carl, Beth, and Mia.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed?" Carl asked her. She pushed them behind her and pulled out her gun.

She aimed it at the guard tower and shot down the person up there. Maggie and Evan looked over from their spot behind some office cabinets and their eyes widened when they saw her.

"Adelaine!" Evan shouted. Without even thinking he ran straight across and to her. "What are you doing!?"

"I heard the gunfire." she told him.

"You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"Well I didn't." she snapped before sighing. "Just help me."

He wrapped her arm around his shoulder and helped her stand while the others shot down walkers in the field. Glenn, Katherine, and Michonne got Hershel into the truck and drove back up to the prison.

"Dad, are you okay?" Evan asked as he helped him out of the truck while still supporting Adelaine.

"Kath." Adelaine limped over to her sister and pulled her into a hug.

Everyone looked out into the field at all the walkers. Adelaine held one of Mia's hands while leaning into Evan.

The fucking Governor.


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