Crossed & Coda

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Adelaine sat in the shade of the fire truck with Mia right next to her and Tara standing up. She looked up when she saw Glenn and Evan approaching them.

"They got no clue we're here." Evan said.

"That's great news for GREATMEAM." Tara remarked. They all looked at her in confusion. "In less great news for GREATMEAM, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."

"What is-- what is GREATMEAM?" Glenn asked.

"Us. Group name. Solidarity." Tara motioned to the water bottles that had everyone's initials on the top of theirs. "Band of brothers. GREATMEAM. Thinking of getting a tattoo on my knuckles. Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, you know?"

"Yeah." he nodded.

Maggie and Rosita joined them and Adelaine stood up with Mia on her hip. 

"Anything?" Tara asked Maggie.

"No." she shook her head.

"Should we get him to the church?" Evan asked.

"Moving him could make him worse."

"What will make him better?" Rosita asked.

"Waking up." Maggie replied. "If he doesn't..." she trailed off.

Rosita brought a water bottle over to Abraham and Adelaine watched as he smacked it out of her hand.

"Look at me!" Rosita got down to his eye level. "Look at me!" she shouted.

He stood up and towered over her making Adelaine set Mia down and pull out her gun. She took the safety off and pointed it at him. He looked over at her and Mia ran over to Evan who lifted her up into his arms and she put her face in his neck.

"Sit down or I'll put you down." Adelaine told Abraham. He looked at her for a second before getting back in his position on the ground. 

Adelaine lowered her gun and everyone looked around.

"Well, what's next on the agenda?" Tara asked.

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"There's a creek up the road a few miles southwest of here." Rosita informed the group.

"Y'all go." Maggie told them. "I'll stay here with Mia."

"You sure?" Glenn asked her.

"I am." she nodded.

Evan looked at Adelaine and tilted his head. She tilted her head right back and he shook his head at her stubbornness.

"I'll go out with Addy. Try and find some kind of food." he said.

"You know how to hunt?" Tara asked.

"Used to do it with an old friend all the time." he shrugged, trying not to be bothered by the thought of Otis.

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