Made to Suffer

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Adelaine and Evan sat leaned up against a wall

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Adelaine and Evan sat leaned up against a wall. Adelaine was curled into his side after he had given her his shirt.

"Addy, did he--"

"No." she cut him off. "No. He barely touched me." Evan nodded.

Adelaine brought a hand up to his cheek and looked at all the wounds on his face.

"What did he do to you?" she asked quietly. Evan grabbed her wrist and rubbed it with his thumb.

"I'd rather it be me than you." he told her.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered as her eyes welled up.

"Come here." Evan wrapped his arms around her and she cried into the crook of his neck. They pulled away and Evan stood up. He walked over to the dead walker in the room. He ripped the arm out and snapped it in half. 

Adelaine walked over to him and he handed her a sharp piece of bone.

When the men came back to get them Evan charged at them. Adelaine grabbed one of them and stabbed him in the neck. She grabbed the gun from him and spun around. She pointed it at Merle who had Evan on the ground.

"Let him go!"

"Okay." Merle smirked. Adelaine furrowed her brows but then heard the sound of a gun clicking. "Give me the gun!" Merle stood up and snatched it from her.

They pulled Evan up and pushed Adelaine onto her knees next to him. Evan grabbed her hand and made her look at him.

"Glad we could catch up." Merle said.

"Just keep looking at me." Evan whispered to her.

"I love you." she sniffled before a bag was placed over her head. Evan clenched his jaw as someone placed one on his head too.

They lifted them up and started pushing them out the room when smoke bombs and flashbangs were suddenly thrown into the room. Evan and Adelaine fell to the ground.

The bags were ripped from their heads and they saw Rick and Daryl standing in front of them. They ran out of the building and tried to find a place to hide.

Adelaine was running with them when she suddenly saw someone that looked vaguely familiar.

"Katherine?" she whispered. Without even thinking she ran towards the person without being noticed. She pulled her into the alley way and the woman turned her gun on her.

"Addy?" she asked.

"Oh my gosh." Adelaine chuckled and wrapped her arms around her sister. Katherine reciprocated the hug and let out a small laugh.

"What are you doing here? What's going on?" Katherine asked as she looked out into the streets where it was pure chaos. 

"The governor and his men kidnapped me and my--" she cut herself off and shook her head. "They kidnapped me and one of my people."

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