No Sanctuary

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The group sat in the train car making makeshift weapons out of whatever they could. Maggie was using Hershel's watch to carve out a piece of wood while Adelaine used the chain on her necklace to do the same thing. Evan was right behind them to make sure they didn't get hurt.

Now that he had them back he planned on keeping them both safe no matter what. And when they find Beth and Mia he'd do the same with them.

They heard voices from outside of the train car.

"What are you doing?"

"Everybody shut up. Shut up!"

"All right, got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl looked through a crack by the door. Everybody stood up and got closer to the door.

"Y'all know what to do." Rick spoke. "Go for their eyes first. Then their throats." They all got in a defensive position and were ready to attack whoever came through the door.

"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now." came a voice from outside.

They heard thudding come from the roof making them all look up. The hatch opened and the light from outside flooded in. Something dropped into the train car and landed on the floor in front of all of them.

"Move!" Abraham shouted.

Evan immediately grabbed Adelaine and pulled her and Maggie back. The smoke bomb went off and they all fell to the ground. Evan covered Adelaine's body with his. They all started coughing from the smoke as people walked in.

Adelaine felt Evan's body get yanked away from hers. She tried to reach out for him but only coughed even more. The sound of the door closing again made everyone stand up. Only it wasn't everyone because several of their people were missing.

Adelaine scanned the room and felt her heart beat quicken as she realized who was gone. Evan, Glenn, Rick, Daryl, and Bob.

"No, no, no." she mumbled before going up to the crack. She looked through it to see the five men being dragged away. "Goddamn it." she slammed her fist into the wall and heard a pop. "Oh that's just great." she grunted in pain as she held her wrist in her hand. "Lovely, just lovely. Beautiful." she muttered sarcastically.

"What happened?" Rosita asked. Adelaine clenched her jaw as she looked through the crack.

"Bitches took our men." she muttered. Maggie came up beside her and huffed.

"Damn it."

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What felt like an hour later an explosion went off catching everyone's attention. Abraham slammed his hands into the door in frustration.

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