Say the Word

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Adelaine looked down at the crying baby in her arms. It was the only sound filling the courtyard. Daryl waved a hand in front of Ricks face to try and get his attention but he continued staring off into space.

"Let me see the baby." Adelaine looked up at Hershel and slowly walked towards him. She didn't want to set her down.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked.

"Her." Adelaine corrected him. Everyone looked at her. "It's a girl."

Daryl nodded with a sympathetic look on his face. "We got anything a baby can eat?"

Adelaine stood in front of Hershel as he looked at the baby.

"The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive." Hershel said.

"Nope. No way. Not her." Daryl shook his head. "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up." Maggie said.

"I'll go too." Glenn nodded.

"Me too." Adelaine spoke. Daryl looked at her.

"Come here Addy." he told her. She walked over to him, still not handing the baby to someone else. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Carl needs you. He just lost his mom and if he needs anyone right now it's you. You've gotta be there for him and watch over this baby." Adelaine nodded and looked down. Daryl lifted her head by her chin. "It ain't your fault. So don't blame yourself. It's what she wanted and you can't beat yourself up over it."

"I know." Adelaine swallowed hard. Daryl nodded and patted her shoulder.

"You two get the fence." Daryl told the prisoners. "Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem. Glenn, Maggie, vamanos."

Rick stood up and walked over to the ax. He picked it up and then walked into the cell block that Adelaine and Carl came from.

"Rick!" Adelaine called but he kept walking.

"Get the gate. Come on we're gonna lose the light!" Daryl said.

Glenn and Maggie ran after Daryl while Adelaine turned to Carl. She pulled him into her side and held the baby in another arm. Evan stood next to her and put a hand on the baby's head.

"Let's go inside." Hershel told all of them.

Adelaine nodded and they made their way inside. Evan stayed by her side with a hand on her lower back.

They got inside the cell block and Adelaine went to walk in her cell.

"Where are you going?" Carl asked.

"I was gonna clean her up. You wanna help me?" she asked. Carl nodded. She held out her hand and he took it. She led them towards her cell and when they got there she told Carl to sit on the bed.

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