30 Days Without an Accident

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( It's gonna get a little spicyyyy at the end)

( It's gonna get a little spicyyyy at the end)

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6 months later

Adelaine woke up to the feeling of small kisses on her neck. She hummed and scooted back more into Evan's embrace.

"Goodmorning baby." he whispered in a husky morning voice. She rolled over and placed her hand on his bare chest.

"Good morning indeed." she smiled. Evan chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. Adelaine put her hands in his hair as he rolled to hover over her. He broke their kiss and trailed them down her jaw. "Baby, we have to get up."

Evan groaned and started nipping and sucking on her neck.

"Evan." she chuckled. "We have that run to go on today."

"But I wanna have sex with you." Evan whined. Adelaine rolled her eyes.

"Why are you so horny this morning?" she smirked. Evan pushed himself up so his elbows were resting on either side of her head.

"I just love you." he leaned down and pressed a loving kiss to her lips.

"I love you too." she smiled and played with the hair on the back of his neck.

Evan sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. He dragged a hand down his face.

"I don't think you should go today." he spoke.

"Really?" Adelaine raised an eyebrow.

"I just--"

"I know why you don't want me to." she sighed and sat up behind him. "But I need to find out and I can't if I don't get it on the run. And my leg is fine."

"I can get it for you." Evan turned to face her. Adelaine ran a hand through his messy hair. "And I know you may think your leg is fine but I don't want you pushing yourself."

"I'm going." she told him. "It's a quick run. Nothing is gonna happen to me."

"Okay." Evan pursed his lips.

"You know everything's gonna work out right?" she asked.

"Yeah. I just don't want you in danger." he told her.

"I know bub." she leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips.

They heard the pitter patter of footsteps and pulled away. They both looked to the cell door and sure enough in came Mia in one of Evan's shirts. She likes to think of them as dresses since their long on her.

"Mommy! Evy!" Mia ran and jumped on the bed with them.

"Morning princess." Evan smiled and kissed her cheek making her giggle.

"You sleep well?" Adelaine asked as she ran her fingers through Mia's messy bedhead.

"Mm-hmm." Mia hummed and turned her focus to the small stuffed bunny in her hands. "Are you leaving today?"

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