The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

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"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, I'll cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry...

...Hell, you're all gonna be doing that."

You can see so many cruel things in this new world. The group that has taken refuge at Alexandria had been through hell and back. But never, in however many years they have left did they think anything like this would ever happen.

The man sat proudly on his knees, not daring to back down to the bat wielding man. He made himself appear bigger, knowing he couldn't let anything happen to the woman and child weakly on their knees beside him.

Adelaine had barely lifted her head when she saw the bat come down onto Abraham Fords head. The man who had done nothing but protect her daughter and make her feel safe since the moment he met her. 

Her eyes were wide in disbelief as the barbed wire bat came striking down on his skull, splitting it in half. A sob escaped her mouth remembering just mere hours ago when he was comforting her in the RV.

"Oh look at that! Taking it like a champ!" 

"Abraham." she choked out, trying to keep herself upright.

The persistent man brought himself back up to his knees, much to her disbelief. Blood dripped down from his forehead, causing everyone to stare in disbelief at the indent in his head. Mia cried in fright at the sight of her friend, holding tightly onto her mom.

"Don't look." Adelaine tucked her face away as Mia sobbed, her body shaking in her hold. 

"Suck... my.... nuts...." Those three words made up the final sentence the red headed marine would ever get to speak. Another swing was brought down on his head making Adelaine flinch backwards.

Evan watched helplessly as his wife clutched her stomach, tears streaming down her face as she forced herself to look elsewhere, worried the nausea building in her gut would get worse. His mind could only focus on her and the little girl in her arms, wanting to take both of them and run far from the scene before them.

He knew how much Abraham meant to his daughter. It was heartbreaking for her to witness the man be beat to death in front of her.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Mia ran up the front porch to where her parents were sitting on the swing, Adelaine leaning against Evan while he rubbed her belly.

"What is it honey?" Adelaine chuckled at the little girls excitement. She ran over to the two of them, jumping onto Evans lap.

"Abe got me a camera!" she held up the polaroid camera in her grasp and the picture she now had. "Look we took a picture." she said happily.

Evan and Adelaine smiled at the image of Abraham and Mia, both of them smiling. "Abe my best friend mommy." the little girl grinned. "Who's yours?"

"My bestfriend is..." Adelaine thought for a minute. "Probably Uncle Glenn." 

"Hey! What about me?" Evan asked. 

"You're my husband, you don't count."  Adelaine grinned and kissed his lips.

"Yeah you're my daddy."  Mia giggled happily and kissed his cheek.

"Okay I'll take it." he grinned feeling like the luckiest man in the world to hold these two girls. 

It's like he was holding his whole world in his arms.

Thud after thud echoed in Adelaines ears. Her body flinching with each impact until Abrahams head was nothing more than a pool of blood on the ground.

"Did you hear that?" Negan laughed. "He said, 'Suck my nuts'." The fact that he could laugh in such a situation made it that more obvious that this was just a game and he felt zero sympathy for any of them. He continued to bring the bat down even though Abrahams body was making zero movement.

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