Hounded & When the Dead Come Knocking

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The group was sat in the cell block eating breakfast when Rick walked in

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The group was sat in the cell block eating breakfast when Rick walked in. Adelaine looked down at the little girl in her arms.

"Everybody okay?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, we are." Maggie replied.

"What about you?" Hershel asked.

"Cleared out the boiler block."

"How many were there?" Evan asked.

"I don't know. A dozen, two dozen." Rick said. "Just wanted to check on Carl and Addy." Rick put a hand on their shoulder. Adelaine noticed how Rick wouldn't look down at his daughter.

"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies." Glenn stood up. "You don't have to."

"No, I do." Rick then walked over to Daryl. "Everyone have a gun and a knife?"

"Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though." Daryl said.

"Addy and me were planning on making a run this afternoon." Evan told Rick. "Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula."

"We cleared out the generator room." Daryl said. "Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well."

"Good. Good." Rick started walking out.

"Rick." Hershel tried but Rick already closed the door and walked away.


Evan and Adelaine drove up to a store in town. They both got out and Adelaine looked around.

"Clear outside." she told Evan.

"All right. Let's take a look." Evan handed her a flashlight.

"Hey." Adelaine pecked his lips. Evan looked at her and cupped her cheek before kissing her again for a little longer. They pulled away and Adelaine smiled at him.

"Let's go lover boy." she nudged him. Evan chuckled and walked towards the door.

He used bolt cutters to break the chains. He pulled the door open and several birds flew out making them duck.

Evan walked inside while Adelaine shined her flashlight from the outside.

"Ev, get that duck." Adelaine said.


"Get that duck." she shined her light on the toy.

"Are you serious?" Evan chuckled.

"Yeah. A kid growing up in a prison could use some toys." Adelaine said.

Evan picked it up and checked out the rest of the store. After finding several things he walked outside to Adelaine.

"We just hit the powdered formula jackpot." Evan said.

"Oh, thank god."

"I also got beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, many mustards. It's a straight shot back to the prison from here. Probably make it in time for dinner." he told her.

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