First Time Again/JSS

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"Daddy, look!" Mia ran down the stairs trying to find Evan.

"What's up princess?" he rounded the corner, putting his belt on, getting ready to head out with Rick and the rest of the people who were going to help with the herd at the quarry.

"I got a costume!" she jumped up and down excitedly. Evan looked up, his eyes landing on his daughter who was dressed up as an astronaut.

"Where'd you get that?" he laughed lightly, squatting down as she walked over to him. She stumbled slightly due to the helmet on her head that was many times to big.

"Jessie gave it to her. It was Sams." Adelaine smiled, limping down the hallway.

After a few weeks in Alexandria they came to the conclusion that Adelaine and Evan should move into the downstairs room instead of the one closest to Mia's bedroom. There were many factors put into it.

One being that Evan didn't want his wife putting the stress on her leg and another being her pregnancy. Once she gets bigger, chances are it'll be harder for her to walk on even ground let alone up a flight of stairs. He also felt that being closer to the front of the house would allow him easier access to protecting his wife, daughter, and sister in law.

Mia tripped over her feet but giggled none the less. "You look so cute." Evan smiled as he caught her.

"Mommy said we can go show Abe." Mia said happily.

"Well let's get going then." he smiled at her. She grabbed his hand and walked towards the front door. When passing Adelaine, Evan stopped and kissed her lips. "You coming with?" he asked.

"Mhm." she smiled. He held out his hand which she gladly accepted.


Adelaine held her hands on the back of Evans neck as him and Glenn got ready to drive out to the quarry with the rest of the group.

"I hate that you're leaving." she sighed looking into his honey eyes.

"I'll be back." he pulled her closer by her hips. "I've got Glenn to back me up, you've gotta take it easy, keep Mia safe."

"I know." she nodded. "Just be careful out there, okay? Especially if you're with Nicolas." she whispered the last part. "Maggie and I are gonna go out with Deanna, scope out the area maybe start some planting."

"You just be careful." he kissed her forehead.

"Ev." Maggie called to him as she jogged over. He let go of Adelaine and pulled his sister into a hug. "You stay safe out there. I don't want to hear that my brother was an idiot and died out there." she told him.

Adelaine laughed lightly. "Keep your ass safe. Make it back to your women." she smacked his butt making him jump.

"Hey!" she laughed and turned around to go towards Rick. Evan ran up behind her and hit her butt three times. Maggie laughed at their antics as they laughed and swatted at each other.

To everyone on the outside, Evan and Adelaine keep each other happy. There's never been a time where anyone has seen them fight or argue because they rarely do.

And if they ever do argue, it's kept to themselves and not brought up again around others or Mia. Even in the apocalypse, they're the ideal example of soulmates. It's incredible how much everybody sees their relationship as the "perfect relationship". They simply see it as keeping each other happy. It also helps that their each others best friend.

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