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"Who the hell are you?" Daryl barked at the five men that stood behind the cafeteria wall.

"He's bleeding out. We gotta go back." Adelaine announced.

"Evan." Maggie cried.

"He's gonna be okay." Evan held his sister close to him.

"Evan." Adelaine motioned for him to come over to her. "Put pressure on the knee. Hard." He did as she said and pushed the cloth on the wound.

"Glenn. Go back there see if they have anything." Adelaine instructed. Glenn ran past the prisoners and into the back.

"Don't look like no rescue team." Adelaine heard one of the prisoners say.

"If a rescue team is what you're waiting for, don't." Rick said. Him and Evan lift Hershel onto a table that Glenn found in the back.

"Come on we gotta go!"

"T the door!" Adelaine shouted.

"We got this." T-dog opened the door and killed a walker that came in.

"Daryl. Daryl!" Adelaine shouted. "Let's go!"

"This way! Go!" Rick said but they stop when they see a group of walkers. "Back. Back. Daryl."

Daryl shoots down a walker in their path.

"Wait, stop stop." they look behind them and see shadows of the group of prisoners following them.

"Go, go, go,go." Rick whispered.

Daryl opened the door and they rush in.

"He's losing too much blood." Maggie said.

"Open the door!" Rick exclaimed. "It's Hershel!"

"Carl!" Adelaine shouted.

Carl opened the door and they all get inside the cell block.

"Oh my god." Carol gasped.

"Daddy." Beth choked out.

"Get him on the bed." Adelaine said as they got in a cell.

"Evan." Maggie whimpered as Evan and Rick lift Hershel onto the bed.

"He got bit." Rick announced.

"No shit." Adelaine pushed him out of the way and got next to Hershel.

"Oh my god, he's gonna turn." Beth cried.

"Did you cut it off?" Lori asked.

"Maybe you got it in time." Carol said.

"I need bandages!" Adelaine exclaimed.

"We used everything we had." Glenn told her.

"Then find something else! He's not dying!"

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