Not Tomorrow Yet

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The people of Alexandria were unsure of the plan to defeat this "Negan" guy

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The people of Alexandria were unsure of the plan to defeat this "Negan" guy. Rick was confident that they could do it, but they knew more than anyone that this community didn't have enough fighters. They had the people that would go on runs, the people that couldn't fight would simply not be of any help.

One of those people being Adelaine. The one person who refused to sit around and do nothing.

"Dinners ready my love." Evan said as he walked into his bedroom where Adelaine sat on the bed with Mia playing with dolls.

"But we're playing dolls." Mia frowned. "Miss Sparkles was just about to marry King Frank."

"How about Miss Sparkles joins us for dinner?" Evan suggested with a smile as he helped his wife stand.

"Okay!" Mia excitedly grabbed her doll and ran to the dinner table. Evan turned to Adelaine who rubbed her bump.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her, setting a hand on her belly feeling his son kick like crazy.

"Your son is feeling energetic tonight." she told him with a tired smile. The pregnancy has began taking its toll, especially since this time around she's not as mobile because of her leg.

"I'm sorry." he laughed and leaned down to kiss her. "Cmon we've got our other energetic child waiting for us."

"Did you make me a hot dog?" she asked as they walked out.

"Yes I made an extra hot dog." he smiled. "I'm sure it will go delicious with your spaghetti."

She giggled as he pulled out her chair. Mia had already taken her seat with Miss Sparkles sitting next to her. "Here you go baby." Evan placed Mia's plate down and then Adelaines.

They said grace then began eating. Evan couldn't help but watch his wife with a smile on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked with her mouth full.

He laughed. "I just love you."

"I love you too." she said with a smile.

"Listen Addy, about tomorrow..."

"Evan." she tilted her head at him.

"Adelaine you're insane if you think you're going with us." he told her.


"You're like eight months pregnant." he told her, trying not to argue in front of Mia.

"If Maggie is going, then so am I." she said.

"I'd rather neither of you go. You guys are more helpful from here." he told her.

"I am not sending my husband, sister, and Glenn off on this risky of a mission without me there. I already don't think this whole thing is a good idea." she told him.

"I know but it's what needs to happen in order to get resources from the Hilltop. Resources we need." his expression was pleading, not wanting his wife to be put in any danger. "And Maggie isn't as far along as you. Obviously I don't want her going anyways but she's mobile, she can run in case there's any danger. You can't."

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