Last Day On Earth

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When news spread that Adelaines water broke, everyone wanted to hop in that RV and take her to the hilltop

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When news spread that Adelaines water broke, everyone wanted to hop in that RV and take her to the hilltop. Unfortunately they couldn't take everyone but they all knew how important it was to get her there safely.

"Addy." Carl kneeled down in front of the woman who was holding her stomach in pain.

"Something doesn't feel right." she whispered with tears in her eyes. The boy shook his head and kissed her hand that intertwined with his.

"It's okay. We're gonna get you to a doctor." he told her softly. Mia sat on the bench her mother was laying on, rubbing circles onto her belly while stroking her hair.

"Mommy I'm coming with you." the little girl said, scared for her mom's safety.

"Mia, you need to stay." Adelaine choked out as she saw Maggie rush into the RV. She knew it might not be safe considering the saviors are out there.

"We're about ready." Maggie said. "Cmon Mia." she held out her hands to the little girl, prepared to leave her in the care of someone in Alexandria.

"No I go with mommy." Mia shook her head.

"Mia seriously, we'll be back soon." Adelaine told her.

"No!" the little girl raised her voice. "Daddy's not here to protect you so I have to! I'm going with my mommy." she glared at her aunt for trying to take her away from her mom. In her eyes, it's her responsibility to do what her father can't right now. It's her turn to be the big girl and help her mom like Evan had done time and time again.

Adelaine couldn't help but let out a tearful smile as she cupped her daughters cheek. "Okay."

"Okay?" Maggie looked at her for reassurance that she wanted Mia there and she nodded.

Adelaine closed her eyes and laid back, squeezing Carls hand. She's in an immense amount of pain, far more than she was when her water broke with Mia. Something felt off and she was scared as to what it could be. Not to mention, her husbands absence was making it ten times worse.

"What if Evan's not there?" Adelaines lip trembled as she looked at Maggie.

"We'll get him there. But right now, you need to focus on staying calm for the baby." Maggie told her. "You've got me and Carl."

"And me." Mia laid next to her mother, cupping her cheeks gently. Adelaine smiled and kissed her nose.

"We'll be there every step of the way." Maggie gave her a small smile.

"I didn't say it back to him." Adelaine whispered. "I-If he doesn't make it-" 

"Don't say that." Maggie cut her off. "My brother loves you and he's a fighter. If he's out there, he's not gonna let anything stop him from getting back to you." Adelaine nodded tearfully and closed her eyes.

The engine started up and Adelaine felt the RV start moving. Carl stayed with her the whole time while Maggie went back and forth to the front.

At one point, Abraham took a break from driving and came to the back of the RV with her. "You okay robo?" he asked.

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