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Scarlett Estevez as Mia Williams

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Evan ran his thumb over Adelaine's thigh as he drove the RV behind Rick who was in front of them. They approached a gate with large walls surrounding it. They could just barely see the tops of houses on the other side of the walls. 

Mia sat up on Adelaine's lap in the passenger seat and looked at the walls in amazement.

"They're so tall." she told her parents making them laugh. Adelaine looked over at Evan who turned off the vehicle. He turned his towards her and she placed her hand on top of his. 

He flipped his hand over and brought hers up to his lips where he placed a kiss on it. She smiled and opened her door to get out. As soon as they stepped outside the sound of children laughing and people conversing came to their ears.

Adelaine held Mia on her hip and walked beside Evan who loosely held his gun in his hands. The little girl rested her head on her mothers shoulder with her blanky against her chest.

The gates opened as the group approached and Aaron helped an injured Eric walk inside. A trash can fell over and made noise making everyone aim their guns at it. Daryl shot a bolt and they heard the squealing of an animal before he picked up the dead animal.

The gates opened the rest of the way to reveal a man who was looking at Daryl uneasily.

"We brought dinner." the redneck spoke. 

"Yeah, and salmonella." Adelaine scrunched her face up and Mia giggled. The man looked at both of them with the same expression.

"It's okay." Aaron told him. "Come on in, guys."

They walked inside and to their amazement there was actual houses and it looked like a real neighborhood. The gates closed behind them and the man from before finally spoke.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons." he said. "Stay, you hand them over."

"We don't know if we want to stay." Rick told him.

"It's fine, Nicholas." Aaron said.

"If we were gonna use them, we would have started already." Rick threatened. Adelaine took a few steps forward so she was standing beside him.

"Let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron said.

"Who's Deanna?" Abraham's voice boomed from behind everyone.

"She knows everything you'd want to know about this place." Aaron informed them. "Rick or Adelaine, why don't you start?"

Adelaine looked over at Evan who shortly shook his head. He didn't want her going anywhere alone until they know that this place is safe for them.

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