The Suicide King

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When Adelaine woke up it was already morning. She groaned as she moved in someone's arms. She opened her eyes and realized it was still Daryl.

"Mia?" Adelaine immediately gasped.

"Addy." Katherine walked up next to Daryl. She had a sleeping Mia in her arms.

"You okay?" Daryl asked Adelaine.

"It hurts." she winced.

"We're almost to the car." Rick told her. "Evan!" he whisper shouted.

"Rick." Adelaine saw Evan running towards them.

"Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." Rick told him.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Evan exclaimed as he pulled his gun on Merle.

Michonne pulled out her sword. "He tried to kill me!"

"If it wasn't for him--" Glenn started.

"He helped us get out of there." Daryl said. Evan looked at him and his eyes widened when he saw Adelaine.

"Addy." he dropped his gun and grabbed her from Daryl. "What happened to her!?"

"She was shot." Katherine crouched down and pulled Adelaine shirt up on her back. "The bullet is still in there. We need to get it out."

"Evan?" Adelaine sniffled.

"Yeah, baby?" Evan looked at her with tearful eyes.

"I can't feel my legs." she whimpered. Evan felt his heart drop.

"Help me get her to the car." he told her Katherine. She nodded and he lifted her up. Katherine walked in front of him as he got her to the car. She pulled open the door and Evan laid Adelaine down on her stomach.

He lifted her shirt up and his face fell when he saw the bruising around the wound.

"We have to get her back." Evan muttered.

"Evan, it hurts." Adelaine cried. Evan nodded and cupped her face.

"I know baby. We're gonna get you to my dad. He's gonna help you." Evan whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Mia." Adelaine mumbled. Evan looked up at Katherine who still had Mia in her arms. The little girl began to stir and she rubbed one of her eyes.

"Mommy?" she whispered.

"Mia." Adelaine sighed. Mia wiggled out of Katherines arms and moved towards Adelaine.

"Mommy you're hurt." she pointed to her back. Adelaine grabbed her hand and tried to smile at her daughter.

"I know. But I'm going to be okay." Adelaine nodded.

"We gonna live with you now?" Mia asked her while stumbling over her words a little considering she was only three.

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