Beside the Dying Fire

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Adelaine, Glenn, and Daryl walked into the house and everybody turned to them.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asked.

"No." Lori replied.

"We heard a shot." Adelaine said.

"Maybe they found Randall."

"We found him." Daryl told her.

"Is he back in the shed?" Patricia asked.

"He's a walker." Daryl said.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel questioned.

"No, the weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn spoke.

"His neck was broken." Daryl stated.

"So he fought back."

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other." Daryl told them. "And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together."

"Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori asked Daryl.

"You got it."

"Thank you."

They walked out onto the porch and saw a giant herd of walkers coming towards the farm.

"Patricia kill the lights." Hershel told the woman.

"I'll get the guns." Andrea said.

"Maybe they're just passing like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn asked.

"Yes Glenn staying inside is going to protect us from a whole ass fucking One Direction fandom!" Adelaine commented. Glenn sarcastically smiled at her and she flipped him off.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about." Daryl said. "A herd that size would rip the house down."

"Carl's gone." Lori walked out of the house.


"He-- he was upstairs. I can't find him anymore." Lori them.

"Maybe he's hiding." Glenn said.

"He's supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy." Lori shook her head.

"We're not. We're gonna look again. We're gonna find him." Carol and Lori went inside while Adelaine tightened her ponytail and opened the bag of guns.

Maggie pulled out two guns and handed one to Glenn.


"You grow up country you pick up a thing or two." Maggie told him.

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