Start To Finish

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Adelaine stood on watch when she heard someone climbing up the ladder. She looked over as Rick got to the top.

"How ya feeling Addy?" he asked her.

"Good as I can be." she forced a smile. Her and Maggie had been taking extra shifts on watch just to hopefully catch Glenn and Evan trying to get back in.

"You know, you shouldn't be up here this much. With the heat and everything, you could pass out." he told her.

"So could anyone else." she looked out at the road ahead.

"No one else is pregnant with a bad leg." Rick tilted his head.

"Okay listen pops, Im good up here. When my leg starts hurting, Ill switch." she looked over at him. "That sound good grandpa?"

"Addy." Rick sighed.

She smiled knowing she was frustrating him. "What? Mia's with Jessie right now, she said shed watch her all day so I could get some stuff done, I promise Im fine."

"I know you wont listen to me so Ill just send Carl up later." Rick sighed, starting to climb down.

"Hey!" she got his attention. "This isnt like the prison anymore. Im not just gonna babysit and organize food because of my leg. I don't want to be useless."

"You're not Addy. You're pregnant." he told her. "One more hour and Im dragging you down myself."

"Will do Dad." she smiled. He rolled his eyes.


Evan, Glenn and Enid arrived back to Alexandria. Well not technically arrived because of the herd they saw surrounding their home.

Evans heart dropped as he stared at the walkers in disbelief.

"Oh my god." Glenn said from beside him. Enid looked at the two men before turning around.

"Hey, where are you going?" Evan grabbed her arm.


"No." he spoke forcefully.

"Whats the point?" she said with tears in her eyes. "The world is trying to die. We're supposed to just let it."

"No, you're wrong." Glenn turned to her. "Were not supposed to let the world die. And Im sure as hell not gonna let you die." Evan nodded in agreement.

"Im sure your wives will forgive you guys." she said.

"Its not for them anymore. Look, the walls are still up, the houses are still up. Well find out the rest. Okay?" Evan put his hand on her shoulder. In a way, she reminded him of Beth.

He misses his baby sister more than anything and he knows that Enid stands just as much a chance as she should have. The world is unfair and he's not going to let this girl choose to die.

"Okay." Enid took a deep breath.


Adelaine sat on the watch post with Maggie standing beside her. "The baby kicked this morning."

"Really? I thought you were only a few months along." Maggie looked down at her. Adeline eyes teared up.

"I think Im farther along. As crazy as it sounds, I think I had a false negative at the prison."

"Adelaine that was really long ago."

"Five or six months." Adelaine sniffled. "Evan missed it."

"Oh honey." Maggie squatted down. Adelaine tried to wipe her tears but her eye caught sight of something above Maggie.

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