Remember Pt. 2

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The color drained from Adelaine's face and she felt like her heart stopped beating. Seeing the man that broke her heart and abandoned her and her baby after 4 years is hard.

"Adelaine." the sound of his voice made her blood boil.

She turned around and attempted to slam the door closed but he was quick enough to grab the handle and push against it.

"Leave me alone!" she snapped at him.

"Come on Addy, I just wanna talk." he tried to reason.

"You did enough talking four years ago." she sneered. He pushed the door open and her hand went to her stomach when she stumbled back. "Get out!" she slammed her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards.

"Adelaine, stop it." he grabbed her wrists. "Can we just talk, please?"

She ripped her hands out of his grip and straightened herself out. She pushed him onto the porch and closed the door behind her before turning to face him.

"Talk, but you are not allowed inside." she told him. "How'd you even know where I was?"

"My mom told me." he answered making her shake her head. "She said you were in that new group that came and that my kid was too. You had a girl? I have a daughter?"

"She is not your daughter!" Adelaine snapped. "You lost the right to call her that when you called me a whore and accused me of sleeping with someone else."

"She is my daughter." he retorted. "Why are you being so fucking rude? I'm just trying to talk to you and maybe fix things between us but you're being a bitch."

"Why am I being rude?" she asked in disbelief. "Because you're a fucking dick! And that dick is the one that I found in another woman when I went to tell you I was pregnant. And let's not forget when you tried to accuse me of cheating when that's really what you were doing for months. Oh but the best part was you calling me a whore, slut, bitch, etc. etc. I have every right to be a rude to you and if you think this is me being a bitch you don't know me at all."

He seemed taken aback by the sudden outburst before looking down.

"Can I at least meet her?" he asked.

"Fuck no!" she immediately exclaimed. "You'll never go anywhere near her because she doesn't need you. She had me and my husband so don't even think about trying anything."

"Husb--" he stopped talking as the sound of a little girl giggling got both of their attention. They looked off the porch and down the street was Mia running from Evan who was chasing her with a smile on his face.

She tripped and fell making Adelaine's eyes widened and she was about to run off the porch but instead watched as Evan went to her side. Her bottom lip wobbled and he looked at her knee that had a tiny scrape on it. He said something to her and kissed it making her smile.

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