Self Help

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"It's getting a little messy for you

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"It's getting a little messy for you." Rosita said as she sat behind Abraham and touched the hair on his head. 

"Getting ready for retirement." he remarked. "Relaxing the grooming standards. Thinking about becoming a plumber, a sheepherder, or something."

 "You ain't herding sheep now Abraham. Eyes on the prize." she told him.

Adelaine looked down at Mia who was sitting in the middle of her and Evan. She brushed the little girls hair back and put it into a ponytail on the top of her head. Mia hummed and leaned into her mothers side.

"I love you mama." she said making Adelaine smile.

"I love you too baby." she kissed her forehead and looked up at Evan who was smiling down at them.

"Hey, maybe Rosita can give you a trim while she's at it." Tara told Eugene. "Party's getting a little long in the back. Or is it your source of power?"

"I ain't slaying a lion anytime soon." Eugene said in a monotone voice. "I wouldn't be placing any wagers on seeing me dispatch a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass."

"Oh so you'll just settle on saving the world, right?" 

"Yeah." Eugene said with no emotion.

"What's up?" Tara asked. "Last night?"


Adelaine tuned out their conversation as Mia sat up on her seat and leaned over to Maggie and Glenn who were sitting in front of them.

"Hi Aunt Maggie" Mia smiled and tilted her head adorably. Maggie turned her head slightly to look at the little girl and smiled.

"Hi sweetheart." she put a hand on Mia's head and gave her a kiss.

"Hey, what about me?" Glenn asked playfully. Mia giggled and kissed his cheek.

Adelaine and Evan smiled at how sweet Mia is. She's just the sweetest girl towards everyone in the group even with how she's having to grow up. You'd think a three year old in an apocalypse would change her but she's still the same loveable little kid that everyone knows and loves.

"Mama." Adelaine looked up at Mia and saw her pointing outside. She looked out the window and saw that they were passing a group of walkers.

She thought nothing of it until she heard the breaks squeal and they swerved to the side. Evan grabbed onto Mia and held her close to him as Abraham lost control of the bus. Everyone looked around in confusion until all of a sudden the bus crashed into something and crashed onto it's side. 

Adelaine felt her head hit the window and Evan shielded Mia's body with his. When the bus landed on the ground everyone crashed into the side. Adelaine winced as she sat up and felt her head bleeding.

"Eugene!" she heard Abraham shout.

"Eugene, are you okay?" Rosita asked. They heard Eugen mumble something in reply.

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