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"Evan!" Adelaine's voice was heard as she ran towards the van that had pulled into Alexandria

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"Evan!" Adelaine's voice was heard as she ran towards the van that had pulled into Alexandria. After quickly putting Mia to bed, she left her in Carl's care and made her way to her husband and bestfriend. "Glenn? Evan?"

Glenn got out of the front seat and she let out a breath of relief throwing her arms around him. 

"Thank god you're back." she breathed out as he rubbed her back. The backdoor of the van opened and she ran over. Her mouth fell open when she saw an unconscious Tara and beaten up Nicholas. Then her eyes fell on her husband who was holding his stomach.

"Evan?" she helped him out of the van eliciting a grunt of pain from him.

"Hey, baby, I'm fine." he kissed her head.

"You're not fine, you're bleeding." she looked back at the van and her face fell. "Where's Noah and Aiden?" Evan swallowed hard and shook his head. She was stunned for a moment before clearing her throat and leading him towards the Infirmary.

She sat him on one of the tables and grabbed the equipment needed to give him stitches. She instructed him to take off his shirt.

"Damn babe, I thought you'd let me heal first." he smirked. 

Adelaine scoffed and smacked his arm before rubbing some alcohol on his wound. "How did this happen?"

Evan looked at her and saw the pleading look in her eyes. Although it was all fresh in his memory, he knew it would be difficult to explain.

"There were walkers everywhere." he began telling her. "We got what we needed then Aiden started shooting at them. One of them had a bomb, he hit it and it blew up. Tara was knocked out and him and I were sent back into these metal poles." Adelaine rubbed her thumb against his hand. "A piece of metal is what got me. Aiden got impaled, there wasn't much we could do."

Adelaine tried her best to ignore the heavy feeling in her chest at knowing Aiden and Noah were dead.

"Nicholas killed them both." Evan clenched his jaw. "He's the reason we left Aiden behind and he's the reason Noah was eaten alive right in front of Glenn and I."

"Noah." Adelaine whispered to herself in disbelief as tears came to her eyes. 

"Hey, don't cry." Evan cupped her cheeks. When she looked up at him she saw his eyes glistening in the light. 

"You're about to." she chuckled dryly.

Evan let out a pained laugh. "Noah, h-he saved my life back there. I wouldn't have made it back."

"How?" Adelaine asked and he looked at her questionably. "I just-- I want to know his death had meaning because him of all people deserved to live." she choked out.

"We were trapped." Evan whispered looking down at her hands that were stitching him up. "In these revolving doors. Glenn, Noah, and I were on one side and Nicholas was on the other. We all could have made it, i-if that selfish son of a bitch..." he took a deep breath. "Nicholas didn't wait and he started pushing through the door instead of breaking the glass with his gun."

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