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After walking for a while the group decided to stop and take a break. Evan passed Judith to Carl who helped her drink from a bottle and Adelaine gave Mia a granola bar.

She stood up and turned to face Evan. He smiled and pulled her into a short hug. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he rested his face in her neck.

"What's this for?" she asked as she rubbed the back of his head soothingly.

"I'm just so glad that you're okay." his breath fanned across her neck. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." she whispered in his ear. Evan grinned and turned his head towards her connecting their lips for a quick kiss.

"I love you too." he rubbed her hips. They both looked down at Mia who was toying with her blanky, obviously happy to have it again. Adelaine looked up at Evan and noticed the love in his eyes as he stared at Mia.

"Go ahead." she chuckled.

"What?" she gave him a 'really' look and he bit his lip to contain his smile. "She finally called me dad." he whispered.

Adelaine smiled and kissed his cheek. "And you're the best dad in the world." she told him. Evan smiled and pressed his lips to her forehead, letting them rest their for a couple of seconds.

"I love you." he whispered.

"That's the second time you've told me." she whispered back teasingly. Evan chuckled and put his face in her neck making her smile.

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The group sat around a small campfire that night and tried to get some rest for the next day. Adelaine held Mia in her arms as the little girl slept peacefully. Carl was next to her with his head on her shoulder and Judith was asleep on Evan's lap.

"You're a good mom." Carl whispered to her. She looked down at him.

"Why do you say that?"

"You've always taken care of Judith and I even when you got Mia back. You're a good mom to her." he told her. She smiled and kissed his forehead.

Judith started to stir on Evan's lap and he lifted her a little and started rocking her back and forth.

"Please don't start crying. Please don't start crying." he whispered. Adelaine and Carl laughed quietly from next to him and he glared at them.

"She's fine." Carl pointed at his sister. "Look, she's asleep again."

"Evan Greene, the baby whisperer." Adelaine joked.

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