Thank You

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A horn blaring.

That's what started to draw the herd off the road and into the woods. Not only into the woods, but straight towards the group.

"Try it again." Glenn said.

Rick pulled out his radio. "Tobin, it's not stopping. Light it up. You hear me? Tobin?"

"Rick?" Daryl's voice came through the radio.  "What's going on back there?"

"Half of them broke off. They're going towards Alexandria." Rick said. Evan felt his stomach twist at the thought. He keeps wondering if Maggie, Adelaine, and Mia are okay.

"Towards you?" Abraham sounded confused.

"We ran ahead. There's a horn or something. Loud, coming from the east. It's not stopping." Rick said.

"I'm gonna gas it up turn back." Daryl said. "They're gonna need our help."

"No we gotta keep the herd moving." Rick replied.

"Not if it's going down we don't."

Rick told Daryl to stay on track with Abraham and Sasha while the rest of the group ran through the woods. Evan put his hand on Katherine's lower back to keep her running in front of him. She had hit her head by trying to save Carter a while back. He patched her up but it still worries him that she could pass out.

Annie fell over, rolling her ankle in the process. Glenn helped her up and supported her as they continued running from the herd.

"All right, listen up. Here's the new plan. I go back, get the RV, circle around the woods on Redding. I'll get in front of them before they get there. I can lead them away again." Rick explained to the group.

"RVs a mike back. I can go with you." David said.

"I'll handle it. Just get home." Rick said. "They might need you there." he looked at Glenn and Evan. The latter seemed not necessarily anxious but everyone could tell he just wanted to figure out a way to get themselves out of the mess.

Rick then talked to Glenn, Evan, Michonne, and Katherine about getting themselves home, even if that meant leaving some of the other behind.

"I'm coming with you." Katherine told him.

"No you're not. You're staying with Evan." he told her.

"Something could go wrong, you could get hurt and then you'd be helpless. I'm going with you, it wasn't a suggestion." she said.

With that they split off and went in two different directions.


"Maybe we're walking back to nothing." Sturgess started worrying as the group walked through the woods. Evan clenched his jaw in annoyance.

"Shh, my wife's back there." David said.

"Mine too." Evan spoke from the front of the group. "So is my daughter and sister so instead of worrying about what might have happened, let's focus on actually getting back to them."

Everyone fell silent at his outburst. If it wasn't obvious enough, family is the most important thing to Evan. His group from before Alexandria is his real family but his immediate family most importantly.

If something did happen to Maggie, Adelaine, or Mia, somebody is going to pay.

They reached a group of walkers and started taking them out but Sturgess started shooting his gun wildly and ended up shooting Scott in the leg. David was bitten on the shoulder before all the walkers were put down.

Later on, they came across a town. They checked all the cars to see if any would work but none of them did.

"Times like these where we need Addy." Glenn voiced.

"Yeah." Evan chuckled in agreement.

"Your wife? She's the one working with Abraham right? And putting together car parts?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Evan said quietly. He turned to Michonne and Glenn who stood away from the group. "Look, I need to get back. But Im not leaving them behind. We patch Scott up and get going. I need to get back to my family."

"Rick knows what he knows. We're ahead of the herd. Maybe half an hour now. We can stop we can make it." Michonne said. The men nodded and the group continued through the town.

They found Sturgess' body being mauled by walkers as they turned between building. When they turned around they saw walkers coming from two directions.

"Nicholas." Evan snapped at the man who was zoning out.

He led them to a pet store down the street and they successfully made it inside. They barricaded the doors and then they were a bunch of sitting ducks.

Evan made a plan that they could burn one building to draw all the walkers in and give them enough time to escape.

"Let me go, you stay with them." Michonne told him.

"It's my plan."

"You have a family." she told him.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this." he said. "You get everybody back. You're the one who can."

"You're not going alone." Glenn told him.


"We're doing this for the same people, same reason." Glenn said. The two of them had the same motives. Adelaine, Maggie, and Mia.

"There's a feed store. It's old, lots of dry stuff. It should go up easy." Nicholas said. "I'll go with you."

After some hesitation they agreed to letting him come with them.

"If something goes wrong, you get out of here okay? Get everyone out and you guys just run, do not wait for us." Evan told Michonne.

"And tell Adelaine what?" the woman questioned.

Evan pretended not to hear her and grabbed all his gear.

When the men left, they ran through the town to find the building to burn down. They came across an old car crash that ended up being Nicolas's old group. He had to kill a walker before they continued on.

They got to a building only for it to already be burnt to the ground.

"What the hell?" Evan voiced. Nicolas froze in front of them.

"T-There has to be another one." Glenn said.

"Nicolas." Evan spat out as they heard walkers growing closer.

"Let's go." the three man ran into the middle of a  cul-des-sac.

"This way c'mon." Glenn pointed down an alley way. Evan clenched his jaw realizing the walkers were right behind them and the alley was a dead end.

He shot his gun in the air twice and went in the opposite direction of Glenn and Nicolas.

"Come on!" he yelled as the walkers began coming his way instead.

"Evan, what the hell?" Glenn screamed. The man ignored him as he ran down a different alley way.

Evan found himself cornered, looking around for someplace that might bring him cover. The building had a fire escape that he grabbed onto. As he went to climb up and he was about halfway, a walker grabbed onto his ankle. He kicked it off then climbed the rest of the way up until he got to the roof.

Evan was breathing heavily as he set his hands on his knees. Then he heard something.

A gunshot.

One single gunshot.

His head shot up. "Glenn."


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