Us & A

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Glenn and Evan were walking down the tracks with Tara, Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene when Tara started walking towards something.

Glenn and Evan looked at what she saw and slowed down. Evan walked up to the sign and his heart stopped.


He looked back at Glenn before the both of them took off running down the tracks.

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"We're gaining on them." Glenn said as they found a tunnel with the same writing written on the outside.

"Still wet." Evan ran his fingers over the blood. His heart was racing at the thought of Adelaine and Maggie being okay. Two of the most important women in his life were alive and he was going to find them.

"We sure as Shinola can't go up and over." Abraham spoke. They could hear walkers snarling from inside the tunnel. "How about around?"

"No." Evan shook his head. "That'll take a day, maybe more. If Maggie and Addy went through, I'm going through. We're close."

"Shut up a second. You heart that?" Abraham asked referring to the walkers inside. "That there is a long, dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses. I don't have full-on certainty that I can get Eugene through there alive. My recommendation would be take the day, make the detour and play it safe, but I know you're not gonna do that."

"That's my wife and sister in there. Glenn's wife and practically sister too. We're going through whether you come with us or not." Evan said.

"So this is where we've got to part ways." Abraham told him. "You're on your own."

"No you're not." Tara stepped up next to him. Abraham held up two cans of food for them to take.

"No, no, no. Those are yours." Glenn protested. "You guys will need them for your trip."

"You will too." Abraham urged. Tara took them from his hands and then Abraham held out a flashlight. Evan nodded and took it.

"Sorry I hit you in the face." he apologized. When Evan and Glenn had tried to leave them at first, him and Abraham got into a fight when Abraham said that Adelaine and Mia were most likely dead. Evan finally snapped and punched Abraham in the face.

"I'm not. I like to fight." Abraham shrugged. Evan chuckled and Rosita walked up to him and Glenn.

"Good luck." she told them both and gave them a hug. "Try not to be an ass." she looked at Evan. He pursed his lips and nodded. She hugged Tara then walked over to Abraham.

"You're all uh, good people." Eugene spoke. "I have to say that you are seriously hot, Tara." Evan and Glenn looked at each other and held amused looks.

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