The Birthday - 2

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I sat in front of Caroline on one of the tables outside the grill. I stared at the glass cup, swirling my straw inside in a daze.

I jumped when Caroline snapped her fingers in front of my face "Ariel!" She scolded.

"Sorry" I apologize, settling down.

She frowned at me. "What's wrong? You've been dodgy all summer"
I sighed and glanced around, making sure anyone we knew wasn't in ear shot.

"I kissed Stefan" I confess to Caroline, glad to get that off my chest.

"Well he kissed me and I kissed him back"

Her eyes widened in surprise and shock "Oh My God!! You kissed Stefan!! That's why you've been avoiding Elena all summer"

I gasp offended "I have not been avoiding Elena! Okay! Some days I just happen to be preoccupied to hang out that much"

"You practically live there, isn't it awkward?"

"Yes it is but- I don't know, living there is better for Matt any way"


"Because without me, the bills are lower. Granted there is a lot of debt, I spend most of my salary on groceries so he doesn't have to"

I'm not going to lie, I practically am living with Elena and Jeremy, we have movie nights most nights and its nice and all but at the same time sucks cause I have this cloud of guilt raining over my head.

"Yeah, you haven't boughten any of your paints lately. You know you can always just ask me, being a vampire totally comes with its perks" Caroline says with a smile.

I smiled at her "That's a nice offer of your care, but I have enough dept"
She frowns disappointed

"Okay anyway we got off track, tell me everything that happened between you and Stefan in excruciating detail"

"He came over to the house to say goodbye and I started rambling about how I'd rather trade my life for Klaus seeing as he doesn't know the truth about me, and I started going on and on about how I wouldn't let him go with the physco and he kissed me"

Caroline is watching this intrigued, munching on fries.

"Go on" She prods

"And then I kissed him back which I know was a horrible idea and then he just kissed me back and it was like that till I had the strength to stop and it wasn't a lot of strength anyhow and then he gave me a final kiss and left"


I groaned and slammed my head on the table "I am the worst sister alive"

"You are not the worlds worst sister, I think that goes to the Kardashians.

Anyway didn't Elena kiss Damon?" She said, reminding me.


"So if you ask me fairs fair"

"But it will hurt her"

"She hurt Stefan first"

"You do realize what I did will hurt her and what she did will hurt him do you see were I'm going with this?"

Actually just saying this made my head spin.

"Ah ba bata ba" she interjected, holding up a finger. 

"Stefan kissed you"

"I kissed back"

"And elena kissed damon"

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