The End Of An Affair - 1

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"Wait" I said, holding up a hand as if Damon was in front of me when he wasn't.

"You want me, to leave town and join you and Elena to Chicago so we can go find Stefan?"

"Pretty much"

I sighed, "Damon-" I started, as I moved through tables in the grill. I was working my shift, bussing tables. I had the phone perched between my cheek and my shoulder as I stacked a bunch of plates in the box.

"What? Oh come on, our last road trip was pretty great"

I scoffed "Damon, Lexis boyfriend kidnapped me to get to you because you killed her, and you almost died, not that it wouldn't have been such a bad thing" I mutter in thought as I had back into the kitchen and unload.

"Nice to see our friendship means nothing to you"

"That's not true. It's just...what if I don't want to?" I said nonchalantly as I left the bus box in the back and headed for the sink, I quickly washed my hands as Damon kept yapping.

"Seriously? It's Stefan like one of your best friends?"

"Yes he is but. Do you really need me?" I questioned as Olivia handed me 3 trays of people's food.

"Yes. You know just in case anything does happen I have someone who knows how to defend herself and has had months of training"

"So your saying you need me because I can fight?" I said with a raised brow as I placed the food down at one of the tables, smiling at the couple before walking to the next one.


"Lies. You just want me to babysit Elena so you can go find Stefan"

"Uh...well aren't you like the older twin? Technically it's your job to babysit the younger sister"

"We're both 18 Damon" I reminded him as I served the final plate, and took the phone in my hands.

"Technically you turned 18 more then a month ago, before her so..."

I groaned "Oh my god fine. I'll go, but I'm taking my car"

"Great. See you by at the Gilbert house"



I grunt in annoyance at my phone and suddenly have the urge to slam it on the counter.

I mutter a series of curses under my breath as I remove my apron and rushed to the back room. I opened up my locker, grabbing my bag on and closing it shut.

I ran back to the front and bit my lip anxiously as I looked around, finally spotting Jeremy at one of the tables doing what looked like research.

"Jer!" I exclaimed, rushing over to him.

"Yeah" he replied rapidly, shutting the book close and piling a notebook on top of it.

"Uh-" I said with the frown as I glanced at the book. I shook my head shaking my question off and forced a smile "Can you do me a tiny little favor?" I asked, pressing together my thumb and my index finger.

"Uh, sure I guess so"

"Great! cover my shift" I said, not letting him get words in as I hauled him to his feet.

"What? Well I mean how long are you going to be gone?" Jeremy asked as I dug around for my car keys.

"I don't know. I promise I'll make it up to, I can I don't know help you with whatever research your doing" I said, motioning to what he covered up.

"Uh- No. That's fine thanks. You don't owe me anything"

I broke into a smile, "Thank you so much" I exclaimed before I ran out.


"Hey I already packed you a bag" Elena said when I entered. She held a small bag with a shoulder strap and I breathed in relief.

 "That definitely kills time"

"Oh. I've been meaning to talk to you" I nodded "About?"

"Well, I mean. You pretty much sleep in Jenna's room, every night"

I nodded slowly "Yeah, I know. Believe it or not, it helps me sleep"

She nodded understandingly "Well, because of that. I filled the drawers with your clothes"

"Oh. You moved me into Jenna's room"

"Yeah, you know since you're always in there. It's not a problem is it?"

I shook my head "No, it's not. Thanks. If I'm gonna be living here, sort of, I suppose I need a room for myself"

She breathed out in relief "Thank god I thought you'd mad. You tensed for a second"

I shook my head, playing it off as I headed for the stairs. "I'm fine. I'll meet you and Damon down in a sec. I just need to get my weapons"

"Right. I'll see you outside"

As soon as she left my heart rate went back to normal. Good God. I thought she was gonna find out about Stefan and I. God, it's been ages since that happened.

I should tell her already. And I will. When the time is right.

I head to Jenna's, I mean my room, I guess. She didn't change much, except for the drawers that were filled with the clothes I kept in her room.

I exhaled deeply and headed for the closet. Where I keep my stuff. I grabbed an extra bag and filled it with vervain, wolfsbane, my wooden arrows, my quiver, a crossbow and my compound bow.

I looked at the bedroom once more before heading down.

Windy City here we come.

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