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"So what now we just sit here and wait for her to show up?" I questioned Elena as I absentmindedly played with my locket. We wanted to confront her about throwing Ric in jail and lying.

"That's exactly what we're going to do."

I sighed and looked to the hospital, "Why don't we just break into her place? Have you not seen Grey's Anatomy? surgeries can take hours."

Elena laughed but then it died down and she became serious. "Caroline called."

Of course she did. "Elena-"

"Why haven't you brought it up yet?"

I sighed and looked at her, "Because it's not something you just naturally bring up. 'Hey Elena, I just found out my own mother took my memories of my dad away to 'protect' me. And then she dies, I end up in Kelly's care who was always gone with her boyfriends and Matt, Vicki and I just pretty much ended up becoming emancipated."

I gave Elena a side eye, "Got anything to say?"

She opened her mouth to in fact say something but decided to just keep quiet. "Okay. I see what you mean."

"My point."

"Oh look!" I turned to look at the entrance of the hospital parking lot to see Meredith drive on up. "Show time."

We waited for her to park and get out of her car and then we went to her and when she saw us she looked annoyed.

"I'm due in surgery. Whatever case you're gonna make against Alaric, make it quick."
"We don't have to make a case, he didn't do anything." I argue.

Meredith stops and turns to us. "How do you know? Sure you live with him, he takes care of you, but do you really know anything about him?"

Elena crosses her arms. "We know enough."

"Let me tell you what I know. He was arrested for fighting four times before the age of 21. When he was at Duke, his future wife, Isobel, filed a restraining order against him. Twice. Although, then she married him, so I guess that says more about her."

Isobel filed a restraining order or Ric? Okay I didn't see that coming.

Elena straightens up. "Okay, you're making all of this up." I said to her, not wanting to believe any of it.

Meredith raises an eyebrow. "Am I? How would you know? You took pity on a borderline alcoholic vampire hunter and you never even thought to look any deeper."

"How could you do this to him?" Elena practically yells. "He didn't kill anyone and you know it."

"You date vampires, Elena. It shouldn't come as a shock to learn that your guardian is a murderer." I scowl as Meredith walks away.

Even if any of what she says is true, that's not the Ric I know. He taught me how to defend myself, so there is no way in hell I'm not going to defend him.

"So about that breaking and entering plan," Elena started making me raise an eyebrow at her. "Really?"

Elena inhaled and nodded, "Let's go find some evidence."


"Where did you learn to pick a lock?" Elena asked Matt who was crouched in front of Meredith's front door he was currently picking.

"Vicki." I said nonchalantly. "And Nancy Drew so."

"And done." Matt announced when he stood and pushed the door open. "Wow, nice job." Elena complimented.

"All that breaking and entering adds to the list of life favors you owe me." Matt says we enter.
"Okay, look, we don't know how much longer Meredith is gonna be in surgery, so let's see what we can find." I tell him as I close the door and then we begin our search.

"Don't you think the police already combed through this place? She handed over everything she had." Matt reminded us as he looked through a folder. I nod as I comb through a stack of papers on her table.

"Yeah. Except we're looking for the evidence that she didn't hand over."
Matt looks up at us with doubt written all over his face. "And you're sure it's her we should be investigating?"

Elena looks up at him. "We know him, Matt. He's innocent." She paused and looked up as if she had a realization. "And I know that Meredith's a Fell founding family." Elena looks over at a closet.

"Which means..."

Elena walks over to the closet and opens the door. She turns on the light and starts looking through her stuff. Matt and I walk over to her. Elena finally finds a hidden panel at the back of the closet. She knocks on it, it's hollow.

Elena gives it another knock. "Skeletons in the closet. Just like a true founder."

Matt and I put everything down and walked to her. Matt took the fake board down and inside were a bunch of files inside a box. "We hit the jackpot ladies and gentlemen!"

I grabbed the box and we all sat down on the ground, each of us taking a folder and started looking through them.

"Brian Walters." Elena reads off the first folder. "Bill Forbes." I state, reading off the second one. Matt takes out one of the folders and shows it to Elena and me.

"Alaric Saltzman."

"This is insane." I exclaimed as I looked through the file  Meredith had on Alaric. "She's got everything on him: medical records, old court documents."

"What's this?" Matt questions holding up a brown leather notebook that Elena and I instantly knew what it was. Elena took it and opened it up.

"It's an old Gilbert journal."

"Why is one of our, your, old family journals in her closet?" I asked with confusion.
"I..." Matt cuts her off.

"Didn't you say the medical examiner's time of death was between one and three a.m.?" I nod. "Yeah, why?"

"Because the county coroner's office says that's wrong." Matt held the paper up and I snatched it from his hands. "Oh my God." I breathed out in shock. He was right.

"SH!" Elena exclaimed, making us be quiet and I suddenly knew why. From our spot in her closet we could hear footsteps from outside.

"Oh crap."

We all scrambled to put the stuff back in the box, and hide in the closet. I quietly closed the door and turned the lights off and just in time to because we heard the front door open just a second later. Matt is about to say something when Elena puts her finger to his mouth. I try not making a face since I'm right in between but it's hard not to. 

We then hear her open and close the front door. We turn the light back on and open the door but to our luck Meredith is standing right there with crossed arms and a stern look.
I sighed and looked down at the floor. "And we would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for your early shift."

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