Do not go gentle - 3

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"She does this all the time,” Jaime stated, looking at Bonnie who was doing a spell at the teachers desk with candles all around her, trying to lift the barrier spell. “Right?" I shrug lightly in response. “Most of the time.” 

"What's taking so long?” Klaus demanded to know. “All boundary spells have a loophole." Matt enters the classroom with news. "People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier." 

Jeremy looks between all of us. "Ariel, Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is.” I nod at the idea. “I’m down.” 

Stefan looks up at the roof in annoyance. "It's suicide." Klaus rushes over and grabs Jamie by the throat, making me back up in shock as he starts to strangle him.

"Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy." 

"Let him go!" Bonnie yells. “Klaus!” I exclaimed. Klaus argues back. "Not until you get us out of here." 

Stefan rolls back his shoulders as he makes his way to klaus. "Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping us right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. You start killing the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell." 

Klaus gives it a thought, and decides he was right he lets go of Jamie. I rushed to him as he coughed for breath. “Matt get him out of here,” I ordered my cousin.

Matt did as he was told and took Jamie away. Jeremy motioned to the door for me and we stepped out. “Tell me you have some weapons here.” I grin. “You bet your ass I do.” 


“This is a freaking arsenal!” Jeremy exclaimed when I opened up my trunk. I had my compound bow, a crossbow, a box of arrows, vervain grenades, wolfsbane grenades, several stakes, my quiver, a few knifes, and amo for a shotgun. The rifle is kept in the school.

“Right,” I picked up my compound bow and the change of clothes I had stored. “Pick out your weapons. I’ll be back.” 

I went back to the school to change in the bathroom. I could definitely not fight in a skirt. I slipped on some pants, a white shirt and my green jacket.

That's more like it. When I stepped out of the stall I almost screamed at Damon standing there, he held a finger up to his lips indicating I was quiet. In his hand he held a small vile.

A vile for blood. I knew now why we had to be quiet. If Klaus overheard, my bloodline is the only bargaining tool I have. I nod and Damon and hold my palm out. With the small pickpocket knife he cut my palm just enough. I winced as my blood dripped into the vile. I have not missed this. 

When that was done, I wrapped a bandage around my hand and tied it tight to stop the blood. “Good luck.” I nod. “Thanks.” I head out of the bathroom and make a beeline for locker 32.

I hit it once and it popped open. After the whole senior prank night I took the liberty of adding an actual gun to one of the many empty lockers. “You keep a gun in a locker?” came Klaus' questioning tone behind me. 

Oh brother. I took the gun and stood to face him, cocking the gun. “Well we seem to have very bad dance karma.” 

I kick the locker door shut. “You should go find Bonnie and Damon, they should be doing the locator spell.” He nodded.

“You're a brave one, going to face a witch with nothing but a gun.” I shrug.

“It’s in my blood." I smirk. "And I prefer a bow.” 


“A cemetery.” I mutter as Jeremy, Matt and I walk through the dark cemetery to a mausoleum. “Why is it always a cemetery?” It is even worse that this just so happens to be the exact spot where Klaus killed his mother all those years ago. Shudder. 

When we got closer, Esther walked out of the mausoleum. The boys and I held up our weapons. Matt with the buckshot rifle, Jeremy with a crossbow and me with my compound bow. "Don't move!" 

"Where's Elena?" Jermey demands. Elena comes outside looking unharmed. "Jeremy! Ariel!" 

"Let her go." I order, pulling more on my bow. "How foolish of you,” Esther says. “to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you.” 

“They’re our friends.” 

Ester shrugged. “If that is your choice." Esther extends her arms wide, using her powers and makes us turn on the spot and point our weapons at each other. I pointed at Matt, he pointed at Jeremy and Jeremy pointed at me. 

"Matt! Matt drop your gun!" Jermey yells. "I can't! I'm not controlling it!" Matt yells back. I try fighting her hold against us but it’s impossible. We have no control. 

"Esther, stop it!" Elena yells. Suddenly Esther is stabbed in the back, I look to see Ric behind her, he turns whatever he’s using and Esther drops dead on the ground. Her hold on us broke and we were free to move of our own free will. 

"Oh my god.” Ric looked around at all of us, at Elena and her bloody hand and his ringless hand. “Where's my ring?” His guess is as good as mine. “Tell me what happened."

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