Dangerous Liaisons - 3

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"Wow." Matt whistled as he and I got out of the car. I was previously going to come with Damon but with Matt getting invited by Rebekha I just came along with him instead. The parking lot of the mansion is pretty full, the house on the outside was nicely decorated with lights, can't imagine what it looks like on the inside.

I wore a velvet green dress with my hair loose and braided behind me. "You remembered to take vervain?" I asked Matt as we walked to the entrance.

"I did." Matt assured as we stepped inside the mansion, the party was well on its way with various people dressed in fancy clothing, and I honestly felt like an outsider with the dress I pulled out of my closet.

"Thank you." I told the girl who took my coat away and I walked with Matt deeper inside the mansion, butlers were walking about serving champagne, everything beautifully decorated and fancy.

"You were right, our house could fit here 10 times, maybe more." Matt muttered as we looked at everything. "I told you. I think the grill could fit in here."

I spotted Damon talking with some people not far, Carol Lockwood chatting away and I finally found the face I was looking for. Elijah.

"I'll be right back, just be careful please." I told Matt sternly. "I will."

I took a breath and walked towards Elijah, "Elijah!" I called out, grabbing my dress and walking towards him.

He turned around and I almost fell in awe of how he looked. God this family has good looks.
"Ariel Donovan. Or is it Petrova? Gilbert? Forgive me, what is it?"

I gave him a stern look for his joking. "Donovan."

"Right" He said, taking a swig of champagne

"Anyway that's sort of what I wanted to talk to you about. Did you tell anyone about...me?"
Elijah shook his head and I released the breath I didn't know I was holding but I raised an eyebrow at him.


"Well considering I didn't hold up my end of the bargain by killing Niklaus, I give you my word."

I smiled in relief "Thank you Elijah."

"Elijah, who is this beauty?" asked Elijah's brother Kol, the one I had undaggered.
"Kol this is Ariel." Elijah introduced us.

"Kol Mikaelson." Kol introduced himself, taking my hand and planting a kiss on top, "Pleasure to meet you."

I smiled at how polite he was being, "Ariel."
"What a lovely name."

Elijah interrupted us both by taking Kol by the shoulder, "Forgive the intrusion. I need to have a talk with my brother."

I nodded understandingly, "It's alright, besides, I need to find a pair of brothers too." I excused myself from them and went to go find Damon.

"Hey." I said when I found the brothers. "Is Elena here yet?"

"She's getting a drink." Damon said as he handed me a glass of champagne. "Did you speak to Elijah?"

I nodded as I stood with both brothers, "I did, he promised to keep my secret."
Stefan scoffed, "And you trust him?"

I turned to him with a slight scowl, "Yes Stefan. He promised me."

"Good luck with that."

I can't help but roll my eyes at him, I suddenly miss the old Stefan.

"Uh, if everyone could gather, please." Elijah calls out from the staircase. The three of us turned to look as he and the rest of his family assembled on the staircase.

A woman with short hair and a green dress, Esther, I'm guessing walks down the staircase from upstairs. For having her heart ripped out you can't really tell.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us." Elijah addresses. "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance."

"Do you see who I see?" Damon asks. Stefan and I nod.  "Oh, yeah."

Elijah continues. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

Damon went off to get Elena who looked ready to walk up the stairs after Esther, leaving Stefan and me. "Oh no, not happening." I said with a shake of my head as I walked away. The last thing I want to do today is dance with Stefan.

I stood by a pillar as I watched everyone line up with a partner for the dance. I'd rather be lonesome than dance. "Want to dance?" asked someone from behind me, I looked and saw it was Kol who was offering.

"No thank you."

I looked back and saw Stefan get in line with a red head. And I had no idea the face I was making till Kol pointed it out.

"You're jealous."

I frowned, taken back by his assumption, "What?! No I'm not"

He looked at Stefan with a smirk "Come on, you like him." I hissed at him, "I do not."
"Wanna make him jealous?" Kol offered, referring to dancing.

I looked at him in shock, "You know you want to."

I sighed and reluctantly took his hand. "This isn't to make him jealous." I muttered as he led me to the floor.

"Whatever you say."

"You look stunning," Kol complemented. I tried not to smile "Thank you."

We started to dance to the beat, hand in hand. "Your family knows how to throw a party." I complimented as I glanced at all the decorations.

"This is on a small scale, you should see the big ones."

When the part came that we switched partners I expected to land with Elijah, or Damon, maybe even Klaus, not Stefan.

"Kol Mikaelson, really?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow as we spun in circles across the dance floor.

I scowled at him, "Why? Do you care? I thought you didn't care about me."

"I don't."

I inhaled deeply, having enough of this. Whatever this is, I'm getting sick of it.

"Then stop it. Okay, you and me. It's not going to happen. It's never going to happen. You love Elena. Everyone will always love Elena, she's the one everyone prefers. I'm just a Donovan, and I'll always be a Donovan. No one cares for the girl from the family that has to work their asses off as part-time bartenders and waiters at the grill, okay. They care for the pretty brunette that's from a founding family."

I looked over to Elena who danced with Elijah.

"It's always gonna be Elena."

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