The Birthday - 4

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“What happened?" I asked Damon after Elena left.

She wanted to speak to him alone, and it didn’t end good because I heard yelling and Damon stormed out of his room. 

The party was still going on when I caught Damon alone, I entered his room, and he has this face of pure sadness. 


"Damon, you know I don't believe that. Something happened that made you lash out at Elena so tell me" 

"Stefan killed Andie" 

I gasped in shock "He was in town-and he killed Andie?" 

He nodded in pain "There wasn't anything I could do to stop it" I sighed at him

"Oh Damon" 

I crossed over and embraced him. "He stopped me from saving her. I didn't catch her" 

Oh, she fell from somewhere high. "It's not your fault. He stopped you, there was nothing you could have done"  I said rubbing his neck


After the party, I left. Elena had left first because she didn’t want to be there any longer. And I was surprised at the sight when I got home. 

Alaric was packing his bags. 

“What are you doing?” I ask in confusion as he zips up his duffel bag.

He sighed “I’m not gonna stay here any longer” 

I looked at him in surprise, feeling a small pang of sadness. “What? Why?” 
He held his duffel bag as he turned to me

“I’ve already talked with your sister. I’m not a role model. You know I drink too much, I say the wrong things, I encourage bad behavior.

At school I can pull it together, but in my own life...the way I miss Jenna, it’s just, I’m really not any good to anybody right now”

by the time he finished his little speech, his bags were packed and he headed for the front door. 

He sighed turning back “I’m sorry, Ariel. You’re 18, you have been for a month now. You know how to do this, you practically raised yourself” 

Maybe that’s why I don’t want to do it anymore. 

“You can do it better without me” 

I sighed, by now I have tears in my eyes. I crossed over and hugged him

“Does this mean training is canceled?” 
He chuckled and shook his head, planting a fatherly kiss on my head


I smiled painfully as we parted and he left, closing the door behind him. 


I walked out from the bathroom and headed to Jenna's room.

Sometimes I sleep here when I’m lost in thought. Elenas has already taken over the bed so I might as well sleep here. 

I was almost asleep when my phone rang from the nightstand. 

I groan and roll over to reach for the phone, "Hello?" I said groggily when I answered and silence is what greeted me. 


No, it can't be. 


Again there was no silence so that was my answer. I sat up straighter, knowing it was him. 

 "I should be mad at you. For killing Andie, Damon told me, I was beginning to grow quite fond of her.

But I can't be mad at you. Because this isn't the real you, this is you high on human blood and Klaus’ slave.

 So it doesn't matter if you threaten Damon or anyone else to stop searching for you.

Because guess what Stefan, I'm not giving up on you. Okay?, Because somewhere hidden inside is the Stefan I know and love.  So I will not stop searching.

No matter how long it takes"


One ep down 21 more to go!

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