Our Town - 3

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Matt takes the bottle of tequila from Bonnie, but Elena snatches it from his hand and drinks.
"Ah-ah. I need it more than you do, trust me." I looked towards Caroline who had her phone and seemed to be texting someone. "Caroline, what are you doing?"

Caroline raised her head and hid her phone, "What? Nothing." She stops texting, and holds her hands down in front of her, trying to hide the phone in them.

"Okay, you're a bad sober liar. You're an even worse drunk liar." Elena tells her and Caroline winced, "I might have texted Tyler."

"Caroline..." Elena starts.

Caroline smiles lightly. "What? I'm delicate."

"Give her a break! You can't control what everyone does all the time." Bonnie says, starting an awkward silence considering Jeremys situation.

Elena's eyes widened in surprise "Wow."

"Ouch, Bon." Matt says.

Bonnie nods. "Sorry, I know it's Caroline's birthday, funeral or whatever but, I just feel it's really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town."

"I'm doing it to protect him, Bonnie. I want to give him a chance to have a quiet normal life."

"He should be able to choose how he wants to live it, you're taking his choices away."

"Bonnie, you can't tell him." Elena begs.

"Why? Are you gonna compel me not to?" Bonnie pushes.

Matt speaks up before it becomes a cat girl fight, "You know, you guys are ruining a perfect funeral."

Bonnie shakes it off standing and slipping on her sweater, "I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday." Bonnie said to Care before exiting.


"Sorry," We looked to the opening of the crypt to see Tyler standing there, and Caroline sat up straighter "I didn't mean to crash the party." Tyler says in apology.

Matt stands all defensively "So don't."

Caroline shook her head at Matt, "No, it's-it's okay." she said before looking at Tyler, "Hi."
"Can I talk to you for a sec? It's kind of important."

Caroline nods and leaves the crypt with Tyler and they walk into the woods.
I look at Matt. "Are you okay?" Matt takes the tequila from Elena and takes a swig.

"Yeah, I want her to be happy, you know? It's what I want for all of you guys, in the middle of this crazy life you got stuck living."

"Is that how you see it? That we're stuck?" I ask him.

Matt shrugs. "I'd say it's attached itself to you all pretty tight, yeah."

Elena sighs. "Bonnie is right, you know, I have no business messing in Jermey's head, I just don't know what else to do. He is in danger here. I can't lose anyone else that I love."

"Caroline!" I yelled out, cupping my hands over my mouth to make my yell louder. "Caroline Forbes!" I yelled. "Marco!"

Elena sighs exasperated from behind me, "Great, we've been abandoned. Okay, we're going on a search party, I don't trust that she won't get back together with him." Elena mumbles, wrapping her jacket tighter around her. "Caroline!" Matt calls out this time.

"Come on, Caroline, we don't have any more drinks!" I yell out into the forest. "Matt's being haunted by the Fell ghosts." Elena mocks at Matt.

She playfully nudges Matt with her shoulder, Matt nudges her back and smiles. I let out a yelp when I felt arms around me that shoved me against the wall of the crypt, followed by matt. "Son of a bitch!" I cursed with a groan when I heard a whoosh.

"Ow!" I groan and I put a hand on my forehead. "Where's Elena?" Matt asked as he helped me to my feet.

I take a look around, realizing she isn't here. "I don't know" Suddenly we hear a sound of someone screaming in pain.

"Who is that?" Matt questions. I shake my head. "I don't know." I reach for the flashlight on the ground and start running to the sound.

"Caroline!" I shriek when I see her and she's slumped on the ground and screaming. "What happened?" Matt asked as he kneeled down in front of her. "Tyler...he-he bit me" I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. "We gotta get her home matt" I yell as he picks her up. "The cars by the road let's go!"


"Sheriff Forbes!" I yelled out, knocking rapidly on the front door of Caroline's house.
"What happened?" She asks as she opens the door for us.

"Tyler bit her." I explain as Matt sets her down on her bed.

"Oh my god, sweetheart." 

"Oh, honey. Caroline, honey, can you hear me?" Liz asks her daughter. "I'm sorry, Mom." She says weakly. 

"She's hallucinating." I told her with worry. "It took a while before Rose started to hallucinate. But it probably has something to do with age or because Jules was a werewolf and Tyler is a hybrid I don't know."

I am not going to lie, I am panicking. The only thing that healed Damon was Klaus blood, he wasn't just about to give it to us. And Damon wouldn't pick up the phone, nor Stefan or Elena who is god knows where.

When I looked up at the door from my phone while calling Damon in a frenzy I'm surprised to see Klaus is there. Matt and I exchange a glance and go to the door.

"Tyler came to see me. Poor boy, he seemed quite distressed. He said Caroline had a terrible accident." Klaus says cooly. I scowl at him and point an accusing finger. "You made him do this to her. The Tyler I know would have never done something like this."

Klaus does his best not to get irritated. "I'm here to help, Ariel.  My blood will heal her. Please, ask the Sheriff to invite me inside."

"I know how this game works." Calls out liz from behind us. "You want something in return."
Klaus smiles. "Just your support."

Sheriff Forbes considers this offer. "Come in." Klaus gives me and Matt a smile, glad that he got what he wanted.

I glare after him, "If you so much as hurt her I swear I'll revive Mikael!" I yelled out.

"Love to see you try!"

I mutter a curse under my breath, damn I hate him. "Come on Matt. Let's just go home, he won't hurt her."

At least that's what I'd like to think.


It's the next morning and turns out some interesting things happened while I was frantically calling Damon. Stefan was the vampire that knocked Matt and I against the crypt and took Elena, threatened to kill her while on the phone with Klaus.

It's kind of hard to believe.

Klaus healed Caroline with his blood, thankfully. I never doubted him for a second...I totally did.

Ric and I took Jeremy to the airport, he's now on his way to Denver. I know I just found out Jeremy is my family, but I already miss him.

"I miss him." I whined to Ric as I poured him a scotch. I'm working my shift now at the grill, and Ric takes advantages of my work bonus.

"Yeah, I'll miss that sucker."

I sighed, "At least I can keep his crossbow." Ric chuckled, "Sure."

"Hi." said a pretty brunette who walked up. Alaric turned in his seat to look at her, "Hey."

I blinked a few times, looking between them and Alaric gave me a look that read 'Scram."

"Ah right. Um- bye."

Alaric's got a girlfriend, Alaric's got a girlfriend. I fell like a little kid.

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