Murder of one - 3

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"Mr. Saltzman was like the most normal guy in town." Matt says in shock and confusion. I nod and so does caroline. "Yeah." It was shocking for him to learn about Ric condition, it still is shocking to know about it. Caroline was taking it hard, he did kill her dad. Intentionally or not, that hurt.

"Is it weird that Bonnie's not returning my calls?" Elena questions with worry. Bonnie was taking some time to herself, at least that's what she told me and Caroline. Matt looks over my shoulder. "Is it weird that Klaus' brother is in the middle of town square?"

Huh? We all look over and see Finn with a red headed woman.

"That's Finn. I thought he left town." I say while raising an eyebrow. "After we royally screwed everything up for him and Esther." Also, he's been stuck in a coffin for nearly his entire life when did he score a date?

Caroline pushes back her hair and listens in on the girl and Finn's conversation.

"She's some ex-girlfriend or something." Caroline tells us. I nod and look at Elena. "Go tell Stefan." For all we know she can be a huge problem for our plans tonight.


I tied my hair up into a ponytail because I do not want my hair getting in the way. I slipped a dagger in my apron just in case and along with Matt hid our weapons in the back of the grill, near the door that led to the alley.

"Be safe." I told Matt as I took my notepad from my locker, "You two."

We both walked out and resumed our work, both the supernatural hit and grill work. I was on waitress duty and Matt was on busboy duty. As I served out plates I kept a careful eye on Finn and the redhead, who's name was Sage. She's just as old as he is, which means she'll be a problem.

They were drinking, actually Sage was teaching him. I sat down in front of Stefan at a table nearby. Matt walks up to their table and when Sage grabs his wrist it makes me flinch and stand but Stefan grabs me by the hand stopping me. The look in his eyes assured me he'd be fine. I only had to believe it.

I took a deep breath and calmed down.

When Matt left their side, I took the vervain from Stefan and went to the bar, placing an order of tequila shots for Sage and Finn. When Winslow, the bartender on duty right now, handed the drinks over I made sure no one was looking and added the drops of vervain in them. I almost add the entire vile.

I go over to their table and place the small cups down without a word and then I walk over and stood beside Matt.

We watch as they raised their shot glass and clink them together.

Sage laughs and they drink their shots. Suddenly, they spit them back up and start choking. Stefan gets up and heads for the exit, Matt and I doing the same.

When we see them leave Matt and ai rushed to the back of the grill for the service exit.

Matt picked up the white oak stake while I load an arrow. This is it. We're actually doing this. Matt rapidly opened the door that led to the ally, Finn was on the steps. I pull the trigger before he has time to come at us and the arrow hits him in the stomach. Matt ran up and stabbed him with the white oak stake directly in the heart.

"No!" Sage screams. I pulled Matt in and we closed the door. The two of us look at each other incredulously. We did it.


"Hey. How's Alaric?" I ask Caroline as I shrug my coat off. "We wanted to give him the good news."

"He'll be okay. I gave him a bottle of Bonnie's herbs and he went home." She did a double take when she realized what I said. "Wait it worked!"

"Nothing worked until I see Klaus's dead body myself." Stefan retorts.

Elena's phone rings and she answers it.

"Bonnie. Where have you been?" Whatever Bonnie said made Caroline Stefan exchange glances. "What?"

Elena frowns. "Klaus should be dead. They should all be dead, we just killed Finn." Wait what does she mean should?

"Okay, Bonnie, where's Damon?" Damon? Okay what the hell is happening? Curse damn vampire hearing.

"Are – are you okay?" Elena asks in worry. "No, Bonnie just...." Bonnie hung up. I wave my hand in front of them. "Hello, girl who can't listen in. What happened?"

Elena exchanged horrified glances with Caroline and Stefan. "They're alive. And they have Damon."

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