The Ties That Bind - 1

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"I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message." Bonnie explains as she, Elena and I stand in front of the four coffins of Klaus dead but not so dead family members.

Imagine our surprise when she told us they've been in the old witch house all this time.

"I just can't believe that you guys kept this from us this whole time." Elena says as she looks across the room at all four coffins.

"Stefan thought, if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you." Bonnie explains.

"So, these are the rest of his family?" I ask.

Bonnie nods. "Yeah. Elijah and two others. This the one we can't open." She said as she walked to the biggest one in the far corner. "We don't know who is in it, or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling me it'll help us kill Klaus."

"What the hell are you doing?" I turned around to see Stefan enter, clearly he didn't know she would tell us.

"I needed them to know about the coffin."

Stefan narrows his eyes at her. "And I needed you to keep them out of it, Bonnie."

Elena crosses her arms. "So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Are you gonna kidnap me, so that I won't tell anyone?"

"Don't tempt me, Elena."

"I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena and Ariel to help me find her."

Stefan frowns. "Find who? What are you talking about?"

"I couldn't place her face at first. Then I realized..." Bonnie says before she pulls a photo out of her pocket and shows us.

"Holy mother of god, Bonnie." I breathe out as Stefan looks at the photo. "Who is this?"

Bonnie takes a deep breath before answering. "It's my mom."

"Los Alamitos?" Elena questions as she handed over a paper to Bonnie. After leaving the old witch house we called and asked for a favor from Sheriff Forbes, since we needed to find Bonnie's mother we had her pull all of the Abby Bennett's. Safe to say it's a lot.

Bonnie looks at the photo and shakes her head. "Too old."

"Honolulu?" I question as I pass her another flyer.

Bonnie groans. "I wish. How many of these are there?" I sigh and lean back into my chair. "A lot. I asked the sheriff  to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country."

Bonnie sighs and looks at Elena. "I know we haven't been able to really...that things had been weird, because of Jeremy, so, thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with."

Elena smiles "There's nothing more important, Bonnie."

Bonnie sighs. "It's surreal. Having to track down a woman, who bailed on her own kid."

I looked up at her and smiled lightly at her. "You know, you don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over the stubborn coffin. You don't need to do anything."

Bonnie smiles back. "The coffin is spell shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later."

"Sooner." calls out a voice from the front door. We all turned to see Damon walk in with an extra pep in his step as he waves a Manila folder at us.

"Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated at Mystic Falls High...blah blah blah." He trails off before handing Bonnie the folder and she opens it and looks at the driver's license record.

"A little compulsion helps speed up the research process." Damon tells us.

Bonnie nods as she looks at the photo, "This is her."

Damon nodded, "Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun."

"Yea-No." Elena objected as she packed up a file. 

Damon turns to her. "Want me to hang out in the back with you?"

Elena glares up at him. "You're not coming, Damon."

"Why? I'm the one who found her."

"Okay, Damon. Look. Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience." Damon and Elena look at each other for a long time which makes my eyebrows frown in confusion.

"What's going on with you two?" Bonnie asks. "We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip."

My jaw dropped in shock at his revelation and he left without another word. I looked at Elena in pure shock, "Elena Marie Gilbert!" I exclaimed as I slapped Elena on the arm. "You and Damon kissed and you didn't think to tell me!"

"Well I didn't think it was important." Elena brushed off as she scratched her head. "My love life is not on today's schedule so let's just get going." 

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