Homecoming - 3

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"Ow!" I hissed at Caroline who was brushing out my hair with her brush.

"I'm sorry but your hair is a mess."

"Well it's wet what did you expect? For it to be a fluffy cloud?"

"Wow...someone's angry."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Fine I am."

Since Stefan was my "date" if you could even call it that, and Damon had a plan he refused to tell me about, Stefan couldn't be anywhere near the boarding house. And I didn't want him anywhere near Matt or my house I came to Caroline's to get ready for the dance. Bonnie was also on her way over.

Caroline set the brush down and swirled the chair around so I could face her. "Spill Ariel."

I gave her a look before I started to explain, "Stefan is my mystery date."

Caroline gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "Stefan's the mystery date!"

"He's no mystery, you know him."

"But Stefan!"

I held my finger up to stop her from saying something, "First of all, it is not a date. I just-"

I quickly stopped myself from saying more because Caroline didn't exactly know about our plan to take down Klaus. We don't want anyone else involved other then the people we need, I don't need my best friends life in danger too.


Caroline furrowed her eyebrows at me, "Ariel...Fallon...Donovan."

"I hate when you call me by full name. Okay, okay. I planned to go lonesome with Bonnie, and then somehow I got roped into this. I don't even know how."

"So that's why your mad. Are you afraid that if you go you could catch feelings?"

I gasped in surprise, "What? No!"

Caroline grinned in delight, holding her arms up like if she was victorious. "Yes you are!"

"I am not!"

"Yes you are and you know it!"

I groaned, covering my face in shame, "Fine. I am." I stood from the bed and flopped on Caroline's bed.

"I suck, he sucks, the world sucks."

"Oh Ariel, if you like Stefan I say just go for it then."

I sat up and shook my head at her, "No. It's- that's complicated."

"The whole world is complicated."

"You think?" I sighed and picked up the brushed it out myself, hurts less.

"Care as much as I would love to continue talking about my failed love life. We need to hurry up or we'll be late to Homecoming."

Caroline's eyes widened in shock and she rushed to the alarm clock on her nightstand. "Oh my god we are going to be so late!"

It was hard to contain my laughter. "There she is!"


I smiled at myself in the mirror, Caroline Forbes is a literal god.

I wore a blue sequin dress, my hair was slightly curled at the bottom, blue eye shadow and just light pink lipstick.

I twirled in a circle, facing Caroline. "You are the best."

Caroline smiled proudly, "I am aren't I."

Bonnie finished brushing out her hair and stood, showing of her dress. "Bonnie you will be the best single woman at the dance." I said with a smile as I wrapped an arm around her.

"I will be."

There was a knock at the door meaning the boys where here, I kept my back to them as Caroline opened the door and greeted them.

"Okay so Bonnie will come with me and Tyler and we'll just see each other on the dance floor" Caroline confirmed with Tyler.

"Let's get going" Caroline said as she looped arms with Bonnie and Tyler and marched out the door.

I turned to Stefan who hasn't really said anything and stated the facts.

"First of all, I am not your date. I just need a ride since Caroline refuses. Second of all, there will be no dancing whatsoever and there isn't a third but you get the idea. Now let's go."

"Wow. Your so grouchy" Stefan said as I walked to his porche.

"Your lucky all your getting is grouchy." I said as he opened my side of the door, "You don't want me mad."


"So much for homecoming" Stefan muttered as we pulled up to the school. I looked up from my phone and gasped to the fact that the fire bridge was here and not letting anyone inside.

I quickly got out of the car and found Caroline and Tyler. "What happened?" I asked in shock as I rushed to Caroline and Tyler's side.

"The gym is flooded." Tyler responded.

"What?" Caroline exclaimed.

"Dance is canceled."

Caroline stomped her foot on the ground like a child, "Excuse me? What are we supposed to do now?"

"I have an idea." Tyler offered as Bonnie walked to us. "What's that?"

"We have homecoming at my place"

Care, Bon and I exchanged glances, "What?" We all asked simultaneously.

"Oh come on, it's a big enough place, I've got the money and it will still be a night to remember." Tyler listed with his fingers the reasons why we should do this.

Caroline pouted, "Well...I guess we could have homecoming at your place."

Tyler grinned, "Great!" He said as he quickly pecked her check. "I'm going to make some calls, shouldn't take long."

I crossed my arms as I looked at the school. Somethings not right about this.

I pulled out my phone and quickly called Elena, "Hey how's homecoming?"

"Slight issue. The schools flooded."

"So, does that mean I don't have to go?" Elena questioned.

"You're hilarious. No, Tyler is so graciously hosting at his house."

"Kegs and beer pong for Homecoming? That's...different..."

"I know. There's something not right about this."

"Do you have an eye on Stefan?"

I quickly glanced around, spotting Stefan waiting by the car. "Yup. He's probably listening in so I wouldn't talk more if I were you."

"Right, I'll see you at the dance then."

"See you there."

I cut the call and walked back to Stefan, "So about those-" I held up a palm to stop him, "No. just don't. Let's just get to Tyler's place. In silence, please."

"Whatever you say."

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