Murder of one - 2

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"That was so close!" I cheered as enthusiastic as possible as Matt went to retrieve the arrow that had flown into the fence. "No it wasn't!"

"You just need a little more practice!"

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Meet me and Damon in the woods
Bring Matt and a crossbow

I frown at the text. Meeting at the woods? Bring my crossbow? That's very cryptic. I texted back.


Why? What's going on?

No answer. I sighed and stood. "Matt!" Matt looked over. "What is it?"

"We have to go." He frowned and jogged forward. "Go where?" I shrug and hand him my phone so he could see the text. "Hold on-" he handed me back my phone and dug into his pocket, pulling out his own phone. "Damon sent me the same message."

I raised an eyebrow. "He did?" I took his phone to see the text Damon had sent him.

Bus boy get your ass to the woods
Bring mermaid and a crossbow

That is not at all the exact same text message. I pressed the phone button and raised the phone to my ear, tapping my foot against the ground. Maybe he would-

"What is it Donovan?"


"Oh hey mermaid." So he answers but Stefan doesn't? "Damon what's with the cryptic text message?"

"Uh that is something I can not talk over the phone." Right, vampire hearing. It must be something big then. I wonder what then. "Right, is Uh Stefan with you?" I tried my hardest to sound nonchalant.

"Yeah the little bro is here with me. Why?" So he just decided not to answer my call. Okay. I am totally fine with that. "Nothing we'll meet you there."

I cut the call and hand the phone back to Matt. "Looks like we're taking a trip to the woods."


"For once why can't the secret meetings just be at a coffee place." I kick at a few twigs in the path. Matt and I drove over to the meeting spot per Damon and Stefan's instructions. Matt had the crossbow, I had my compound bow with a quiver full of arrows. "Looks like we weren't the only ones called." Matt points ahead into the distance where Elena and Caroline were coming from. We met half way. 

"What's with the cryptic secret meeting text?" Matt asked. Elena shrugs with her hands stuffed in her pockets. "I don't know. Stefan just said to meet here."

"Where's bonnie?" We all turned to see Stefan and Damon walk up to us with a big brown leather bag in hand.

"I texted her too."

Caroline looks at all of us. "Um, Bonnie's mom bailed on her. Again. So, I think we should leave her out of this one." Oh bon. 

"What are we doing here?" Matt asks. Damon smirks. "We found some more white oak. Long story, wait for the movie."

My eyes widened in shock. "Hang on. White oak? You have a weapon that can kill Klaus?"

"Nope." Stefan throws down the duffel bag to reveal several white stakes inside. "We all have a weapon." 

"Oh my god." I let out a laugh and reached down to pick one up. "This is amazing!"

I threw the stake down and let Stefan explain what the plan was. "Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage. We're all armed and they are all linked, meaning we only need to kill one of them. We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity."

Damon holds up a finger, "Scenario number one." Damon grabs me by my shoulders and moves me over next to Stefan. Brushing my shoulder against his. I moved to the side a few inches and so did he. We haven't really talked much. I mean, after the Mikaelson ball all we've talked we're a few words last night. That felt like a horrible game of ice breaker. 

"You get to play Klaus." I nodded and adjusted my quiver and bow on my back. "Okay."

"Rebekah is our target so we distract her and catch her off guard. To do that we need to keep Klaus separate and occupied." Stefan looks at Caroline at that. "Caroline."

Caroline slams her hands on her side like a little kid. "Why do I always have to be Klaus bait?"

"Because he's obsessed with you." Damon answers like if it's obvious because honestly I think we've all seen it. "But for right now we need you to play Rebekah," Damon said to her as he moved next to her. "We use the quarterback to distract her. Just keep her talking."

Matt scrunches his face up. "How?"

"Act interested. She's lonely, desperate."

Caroline smirks, "Clearly. She slept with you." Elena suppresses a grin and I just laugh out right. Damon grins fakely. "Hm. Beefcake holds bombshell. I come up from behind her." Damon gets behind Caroline, grabs her arms, "Grab her arms like this." and puts her hands behind her forcefully. "Ow!"

Stefan comes up with one of the white oak stakes in his hand and imitates stabbing Caroline.

"Gives me time for one shot." Damon lets go of Caroline who shoved him back.

"Got it? Good. So we all have one stake, we keep it hidden and we look out for any opportunity we have."

"No last minute attacks of pity for any of them." Damon looks at Elena with significance.

"Don't worry about me. Not after what happened to Bonnie's mom."

Damon looks over at Caroline. "Barbie?"

"Oh, I'm ready. Anything that will free Tyler from his sire bond to Klaus."

"Mermaid?" I cross my arms and nod. "Ready." After everything Klaus has done,  what they've all done I can't wait to have some sleep. "Busboy?" Damon questions Matt.

Matt puts his hands in his jacket pockets. "Do I have a choice?"

Damon nods. "Good point."

Stefan speaks up. "We have 12 stakes, 12 shots at killing one Original. We can do this. Alright, let's try another scenario. Ariel," Stefan motions to my bow and arrows and I got the message and took an arrow out and loaded it up.

"Elena, you play Klaus."

Elena stood a few feet in front of me and I held up my bow. "Just to be clear, this is not how I imagined our first sibling fight to the death would be."

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