Brining Out The Dead - 2

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"What were you and Damon doing?" Elena asked as she and I waited for Caroline in the hallways of the hospital. Her dad was admitted last night because he was in an animal attack, well more like a Hybrid attack. 

He was trying to help Tyler get free of his sire bond, which apparently involves Tyler turning into a wolf and breaking his bones over and over again till it didn't hurt. Ty turned into a wolf and accidentally attacked him, and Meredith, who's a doctor here, gave him vampire blood to help him.

"Like I told you, meeting up with an old friend. Having dinner with him and his brother."

Elena raised an eyebrow, "Please tell me you don't mean Klaus and Elijah."

I gave her a cheeky smile, "Guilty as charged."

Elena opened her mouth to argue on why it was probably a bad idea when Caroline came back from up front.

"That was fast." Elena comments.

Caroline nods and starts down the hall, with us on her tail. "Yeah, he's not here. He was already discharged." She explained.

"And she seems perfectly nice by the way...a little intense, maybe. But...I think it's sweet, you wanna make sure Alaric's not dating a total psycho." Caroline told us, referring to Meredith.

"He's family. We have to look out for him."

Caroline nodded and pulled out her phone, dialing her father. "Hey what's the most appropriate thing to take to a dinner party hosted by 1,000 year old vampires?" I asked Elena while Careoline kept calling her dad.

"I don't think you should go."

"Oh please I'll be fine."

Caroline suddenly lowers the phone from her ear and has a blank look on her face.

"What?" I asked her in confusion. "I hear it."

"Hear what?" Elena questions.

"My dad's phone."

Caroline rushed off and Elena and I exchanged looks before going after her as she walked to a medical supply room. We passed numerous shelves and at the back of the room and found Bill's dead body sitting upright on the floor against a shelf with a knife in his chest.

"Dad! Dad?" Caroline yells in panic as she drops to his side. "Oh my god." Elena heaves out.

"Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead! Oh my god!" Caroline begs in a panic before pulling the knife out and dropping it on the floor. "Daddy!"

I looked down at the knife, noticing how familiar it looked. Oh my god. It's one of ours.

"Caroline..." Elena started with a realization. "He has vampire blood in his system."

Caroline whirls her head to us, "What?!" and on cue, her dad awoke with a gasp.

After getting Bill to a room in the hospital Elena and I called Caroline's mom to inform her about what had happened.

"We called your mom." I told Caroline as Elena and I entered the room.


"Mr. Forbes, did you see your attacker?" Elena asks.

Bill shakes his head. "I didn't see anything. Tried to sneak out the back exit and someone came up from behind."

Caroline flails her arms. "Look, we'll figure this out, but in the meantime we need to get you some blood."

Bill gives her a sympathetic look. "I'm not going to drink any blood."

"You have to. You died with vampire blood in your system. If you don't feed and finish the transition into a vampire then you'll die." I argue with him.

Bill nods. "I understand how it works. And that's what I'm prepared to do. Now get me out of this hospital. I smell blood everywhere."


I had to drop off Caroline and her dad at her house and Elena as well because I have to get ready for the vampire dinner. I took a shower and changed into some dark pants, a white blouse and my hair in a side braid.

I left a note for Matt not to wait up for me and with the directions Elijah gave drove to the house, or should I say mansion.

"Took you long enough." Damon said as I got out of my car. He stood with Stefan leaning against his car, both of them wearing all black.

"I'm sorry this is a dinner right? Not a funeral?" I teased on all the black they wore. "Rude. Anyway let's get going." 

"Elijah." I greeted as we reached the dining room of this mansion. "Ariel." He said as he took my hand and gave it a kiss on top.

"Such a gentleman."

He smiled and turned to his brother, "Niklaus, our guests have arrived."

I kept my hands folded in front of me as Stefan, Damon and I walked in. Klaus mansion was rather fancy. All decorated, and expensive looking. My house could fit in here twice, hell even 6 times

"Ariel. Damon. Stefan." Klaus acknowledged when we looked at us. "Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?"

The table is already set and there's food on it. Two female servants are standing in the room, no doubt blood bags for later.

"It's better to indulge him." Elijah said as walked past us.

"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus." Stefan told him as he took a few steps forward. "Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out."

Klaus smiled mischievously, "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours."

"How on earth did you live with him for a thousand years?" I questioned Elijah as he extended a hand to me which I took and he led me to sit.

"You know how family is." Elijah said as he pulled back my chair. "Yes I do."

I didn't know if he was toying with me about the use of family since he knows the truth about mine. I need to talk to him about that ASAP. 

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