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If this was a cartoon I'm sure we'd see smoke coming out of Sheriff Forbes ears as she stormed into her office to reprimand us.

"What were you thinking?" Liz exclaims in fury. "I know that we had no right." I started but she cut me off. "No right? You broke the law."

Elena quickly speaks up. "But, we found something that clears Alaric. It gives him an alibi in the Brian Walters murder." Liz holds up a piece of paper.

"You mean this?" She questions us.

"What is that?" I ask.

"A letter from the county coroner's office correcting the error in the time of death of Brian Walters. Meredith Fell received it today. She brought it to me several hours ago, full of apologies for accusing an innocent man."

"Why would she have a copy hidden in her closet?" Matt asks and Liz narrows her eyes at him, if looks could kill.

"I can't ask those questions, Matt, because the very fact that you broke into her home to find it. Do you know how much I'm already protecting the three of you?" 

"I'm sorry." Elena apologizes.

"Just...get out of my office and go home. Please. Alaric will be released as soon as the letter is authenticated. Go."

The three of us all got up and left before she changed her mind and threw us in a cell. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this." I told Matt as we walked out of the station. "Yeah it's fine. But you can pay me back by buying me some tools for the truck."

I chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Oh come on. The truck needs repairs."

"Alright, fine. But I'm not buying you a new truck."
Elena caught up to us, having stayed behind a minute. "You guys hungry? My treat, my place?"

Matt and I exchanged looks and nodded, "Sure. We're starving."
The three of us started down the sidewalk to the car parked when we heard what sounded like Damon yelling Stefans name. "Is that?"

Elena and I parted from Matt and went behind the grills alley and found Damon, and Stefan feeding.

"What are you doing?" Stefan turns around and we all see the blood on Stefan's face. Oh my god.

"Stefan?" Stefan wipes the blood off of his mouth with remorse on his face.
"What are you two doing?" Elena asks.

Damon stands up after finishing having given the girl some blood to heal. "Relax, Elena. Just a little experiment. There's no need to make this more dramatic than it needs to be."
Matt grabs both of our arms. "Let's just go."

The two of us didn't say anything. All I could think about seeing this scene is what it looked like when my mom died. If my dad was there, if the vampire had any remorse. "Let's go!" Matt forces us both to move and we left Stefan and Damon without saying another word.


"Are you going to look for him?" I sighed over the phone. We came back to the Gilbert house for dinner and well wait for Ric to come back. "I don't know Caroline. I mean what if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Ariel, he's your dad."

"I know that but he just let my mom erase him from my life. If he cared for me he would have fought."

"Actually, I've been talking to Abby. She says he did try fighting for you, custody battles and whatnot. But your mom won full custody over you."

"She wouldn't happen to have a name would she?"

"She does. James Walker."
James Walker. God, Elijah was right. I have way too many last names. "Tell her I said thanks."

When I heard the front door open I instantly sat up. "Care I'll talk to you tomorrow!"
"Tell me what you decide."

"I will Care bye." I cut the call and ran out of Jennas, I mean my room. God I keep forgetting I took her room.

I rushed down the stairs and smiled in relief when I saw Alaric standing at the front door.
"Are you okay?" Elena asks.

Alaric nods. "Yeah, yeah, I'm alright."

"Oh thank god your home." I exclaimed and embraced him tight with Elena following in tow.


"This is all a load of gibberish." I state to Elena as I flipped through the pages of the Gilbert journal. Matt managed to take it when Meredith and the deputy weren't paying attention.

"Hey, I was gonna make some coffee," Alaric says to us coming down stairs from the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes. "We're good. Gonna head to bed in a few."

Alaric stops and walks over to us. "Hey, listen, girls, the uh- the Sheriff told me about everything you did today and while I appreciate it, I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. Okay?"

Elena glances up at him and raises an eyebrow. "If not for you, for who?"

"Well, still, I'm the one who's supposed to look after you, even if I suck at it."

"Okay, well, how about we just agree to take care of each other then?" I ask.

Alaric smiles and nods. "Deal. What are you reading there?"
Elena holds the book up. "Old family journal."

"Any juicy family secrets?"

"It's hard to tell. I mean, at first we thought it was Johnathan Gilbert's journal, but it ended up being his granddaughter's, who apparently went just as crazy as he did. So, great genes, huh?"

"Well, at least you have something to look forward to."

The two of us smiled at him, "Good night, Ric." We stay in sync and head up the stairs.
"Good night."

"Are we sure that she went crazy the normal way?" I asked Elena with doubt. We were gonna go to sleep but we waited to finish reading the journal. "I don't think so."

Elena and I exchanged glances and then hurried off her bed and all the way downstairs. We can hear Merediths voice, saying whatever's happening with Alaric happened almost 100 years ago. After reading through the journal, maybe she's right.

"Girls" Alaric says when he sees us by the doorway.

"Ric, we think she's right."

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