The Hybrid - 2

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After getting packed for the trip to the smoky mountains,  we headed to the smoky mountains.

I was wearing denim jeans, with a black tank top and a flannel shirt wrapped around my waist, and my hair was up in a tight ponytail.

"In a couple hours, the full moon's gonna rise just above that ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack will be." Alaric stated as we walked along a stream.

"You were a boy scout, weren't you?" I tease as we walk down the path. "Shut up" I grin at his words. "A boy scout, slash vampire slayer?"

"Slash whiskey-drinking all-around lost cause."

We stop and He opens his bag which was full of weapons, My bag was just as full, stakes, vervain, some wolfsbane, and hunting knives. 

I brought my compound  as well. It would be nice to put it to use. 

"Wow. You came stocked." Elena comments to his bag.

Alaric looks up at us. "Well, we aren't exactly bird-watching. Here. Put that in your bag." He says as he gives her a grenade.

"Vervain grenade?" She asks.

Alaric stands up. "Wolfsbane."

Elena sighs and puts it away. "Well, since we're exchanging gifts..." With that she pulled out John's magical ring. Elena and I had talked about it last night and decided he should have it.

It took a lot of convincing.

"That's John Gilbert's ring."

"It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. I'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger we're about to get ourselves into."

Alaric sighed "He gave it to you."

Elena smiles. "Yeah, but I'm a doppelgänger. It's not gonna work on me. He left it for if we ever have kids."

"Well why don't you take it?" Alaric asked me. Before I could respond, Elena beat me to it "I already tried! She's stubborn, she doesn't want it"

I gaped at her "Hey, it's a ring that brings you back from a supernatural death. I've seen enough movies to know how that ends"

Alaric groans, "Yeah, well, then why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilberts?"

"Okay, and how 'bout you borrow it until after we survive this? I'd feel bad if I got you killed before happy hour." I say with a pout.

He reluctantly takes the ring and I crouch down beside him to get my water bottle. 

"I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause." I tell him before Elena screams.

I acted quick, pulling out my bow and pulled out a wooden arrow out of my quiver, armed my bow and pointed it behind me. 

 I've been training all summer with Alaric, ever since Stefan left. I've gotten faster.

I heaved out a breath and lowered the bow when I saw it's just Damon against a tree and Elena in the water.


"Damon! How are you even here?" Elena questions in shock

Damon looks back at Alaric. "Thanks for the tip, brother"

I gasp at Alaric and smack his arm. "You sold us out!'

Alaric gives me an  'are you serious' look. "You think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon without backup?"

Damon turns to me. "Speaking of which" He makes a move to grab me and throw me in the water with Elena, making me flinch and jump back.

"No, No!" I exclaim, holding both hands out.

"Next time don't go behind my back" He says, turning back to see Elena. I cross my arms. "Don't go behind my back" I mock making Alaric chuckle as he puts his crossbow back.

"Get out of the water, Elena." Damon orders her.

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home." She exclaims, having a point.

"Yes, because I'm not an idiot like you." Damon retorts.

Alaric stands and looks at them "Right now, you're both acting like idiots." I chuckled and leaned against a tree to watch this scene unfold. 

"You gave up on him Damon."

"I didn't give up on him, Elena. I faced reality. Now get out of the water." Damon orders once more.


"What's your big plan, Elena? Huh? You gonna walk through a campsite full of werewolves, roast a marshmallow, and wait for Stefan to stop by?" He asks as he jumps down and walks into the water.

"My plan is to find him and help him. Damon, this is the closest that we've been to him since he left. I'm not going home."

"Klaus thinks you died when he broke the curse. That makes you safe. This is not safe."

Well, I mean, he's got a point. 

"I'm not leaving before we find him."

"It's a full moon tonight, Elena."

"Then we'll find him before then. Damon, please."

Damon sighs, "Okay. Okay. But we are out of here before the moon is full and I'm werewolf bait."

"I promise."

"Unless you wanna relive that whole deathbed kissy thing."

"Can you two hurry up! I'm not getting any younger here!" I yelled out, wanting to rush this up.

Damon scowls. "Fine."  


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