The New Deal - 2

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Elena gets busy setting the table while Alaric and I cook.

"So, you're ready?" Alaric asks.

"Vampires, hybrids and originals. No problem. My rebellious brother. I'm worried." Elena says with a sigh.

Alaric points at her with the knife, "Proof that you're still human."

When the front door opens, we all turned our heads to see Jeremy enter and go directly to the fridge.

"Hey! Your just in time. We're cooking." I announce to him as I go over to the table and finish setting up. "Sorry, just passing through."

Alaric looks at him. "Ah, well I thought we would all stay in, have a meal together like a typical, atypical family."

Jeremy frowns. "Why?"

"Maybe because you got fired and you didn't tell anyone." Elena retorts.

"Ahh- look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside."

Alaric frowns in confusion and so do I. "Oh wait! When did you start hanging out with Tyler Lockwood?"

Those two hats each other.

"I don't know...Does it matter?" Jeremy questions, not comprehending.

Elena nodded like it's obvious. "Yeah, Jeremy! It matters. He was sired by Klaus. He's dangerous."

Jeremy motions to the door with a hand. "He can still hear you. He is right outside. Besides you of all people are gonna lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with?"

Elena looks at him stunned. "What is with the attitude?"

Jermey rolls his eyes not caring, "Yeah, whatever, this is lame. Tyler is waiting."

Elena quickly blocked his path "Oh, no no! You're not going anywhere, especially not with Tyler."

Jeremy looks at Alaric and me for help.
"I'm with her on this, Jer. Sorry." Alaric said to him, Jeremy then turns his gaze on me. "Sorry Jermey, Elenas right" I say sympathetically.

Jeremy looks back at Elena. "All right, fine. You want me to stay in? Let's all stay in then."
He turns his head to the door and shouts "Yo, Tyler! Come on in!!"

Elenas eyes widened and so do mines, "Jeremy...!" Of course, Tyler opens the door and comes in.

Just great.

Tyler sat at the table, as Jeremy gives Tyler a glass of water.

Elena sighs in despair and crosses her arms. "This is weird. Klaus has hybrids stalking me and now you're just sitting in our kitchen."

Tyler looks at all of us. "Look, maybe I should go."

Jeremy shakes his head. "Oh, stay. You're not doing anything." He says as he sits.

"Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master." Elena mocks.

Tyler laughs. "It's not like that Elena." Tyler says as Alaric and I sit down at the end of the table.

"Tell me Tyler...What is the difference between being sired and being compelled?" Alaric questions.

"Compulsion-that's just mind control-like hypnosis. And being sired's like faith. You do something because you believe it's the right thing." Tyler explains.

"So you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing?" Elena questions.

Tyler shakes his head. "I don't serve him. Klaus released me from a curse that was ruining my life. I owe him for that." I raise an eyebrow at him. "At homecoming you said that you couldn't fight against it."

"Like I said, it's like faith."

I rolled my eyes lightly as Alaric asked him another question. "What if he asked you to jump off a bridge?"

Tyler shrugs. "He wouldn't. And even if he did I'd be fine. I'm a hybrid."

That's bull.

Elena continues the questions. "Okay, so what if he asked you to rip your own heart out?"
Tyler almost slams his hand on the table. "Again, he wouldn't."

Elena pushes on. "What if he did?" 

"I don't know! Then I'd rip out my heart!" Tyler yells taking us all back in surprise.

Tyler leans back into his seat, exasperated. "You guys sound like Caroline, getting all freaked out over something you don't understand."

Elena yells. "You're right Tyler I don't understand. Klaus has terrorized every single one of us and you're just blindly loyal to him."

Tyler shakes his head. "You're over-thinking it. I can still make my own decisions."

Jeremys phone rang and he stood from his seat, "Excuse me." He went to answer it in the kitchen, leaving the three of us in silence.

"What was that about?" I asked Jeremy when he came back.

Jeremy shakes his head as he sits back down. "It was nothing."

"I got to go. Umm, thanks for the food offer, but..." Tyler starts.

Alaric clicks his tongue at him. "Next time."
"That was illuminating." Alaric says as we stand an walk to the kitchen island to get the food.

Elena sighs. "So, Tyler Lockwood is a lunatic who has access to our house."

"I mean this whole sire bond thing is...wild. I don't even think Tyler is fully aware of what little reason lies behind what he's saying. It's this weird cult logic." Alaric shares his opinion.

Elena almost laughs. "Well, great, that's a wonderful influence for you Jer..."

She turns around but Jeremy is gone. "Jeremy?" She questions when Alaric and I turn around.

"That's his ring." I say in pure confusion at Jeremys Gilbert ring left in the middle of his plate.
"Where did he go?" Elena questioned.

We go outside, to see if he's there and see Jeremy standing in the middle of the street.
"Jeremy? What the hell is he doing??" I question with an eyebrow raised.

Suddenly, a car comes whipping around the corner and speeds towards Jeremy. Oh my god. The three of us start running to him.

"Oh my god! Jeremy!!"


"Jeremy move!!!!"

We all yell, Alaric gets to him first and pushes Jeremy out of the way at the last second and is hit by the car instead.

"Ric!" I yelled in a panic and rushed to him, Elena and I turn him over and I can't feel a pulse. Oh my god.

The person driving the car pulls up and lowered the window, revealing Tony, the hybrid.

"There I go again. Bumping into people..." He says to us before driving away.

I check Alaric's hand to make sure his ring was on and thank god it was. I exhaled in relief as Jeremy ran over.

"He's gonna be alright. Are you all right?" I ask him concerned.

Jeremy shakes his head in confusion. "I don't understand."

Elena snaps her head towards him. "Who was that on the phone earlier?"

"It was Klaus!" 

"You were compelled, Jeremy! We've gotta get him inside- help me!!"

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