Ordinary People - 2

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Elena went to go speak to Rebekah, and Damon went to go see Stefan who was still being locked up in the Forbes cellar, which leaves me and Alaric to research.

He writes "vampire" on a post-it note and places it on one of the pictures. I pick up another picture and compare it to the one he just stuck the post-it note on.

My picture has a circle with a squiggly outline that looks more like a sun, so I switch the "vampire" post-it to my picture and write "werewolf" on another post-it and place it onto the first picture. I lift them both up to Alaric. "Now that's more like it"

"I've got this, Damon. If we can figure out a way to kill Klaus, Stefan will be free of his compulsion. So...how does he look?" Elena said into the phone when she re-enters the room.

"He'll have to get over it. Call me later." She Hangs up and turns to Alaric and me at the table. "Rebekah will come around."

Alaric frowns. "You're sure about that? I mean a thousand-year-old vampire, I'm sure, has learned the art of patience."

"She's a thousand-year-old vampire, who's joined the cheerleader squad...There is a whole different set of rules that play here, Ric. I got this." She holds up the phone to show us Rebekah's text asking her to meet her at the boarding house.

I shuffled through some photos and gave her a look. "Just be careful."

"I will"

As soon as Elena left Ric and I got back to work trying to decifer all of this.

"Alaric check this out" I called him over after finding a picture with a similar symbol. "What is it?" He asked as he came over.

I hand him the picture and point at the drawing. "That reminds you of something?" I questioned as he stared down at it.

"Is that?" He questions. I nodded and pulled out my phone. "I'm calling Bonnie."

"Hey there!" Bonnie calls out when she opens the door.

I turn to look at her from my seat at the table. "Bonnie! Come on in!" I tell her.

She closes the door behind her. "Got your message."

Alaric nods and walks to the table. "Yeah, great! Uh, I'm sorry the place is such a mess. I'm obsessed..." he says with a chuckle.

"Obsessed is putting it lightly"

Bonnie holds up Elena's necklace for us. "I brought you the necklace that wouldn't die." She says sarcastically.

Alaric smiles with joy. "Ahh, that's great." I look at Bonnie who looks unhappy. "You okay?" I ask her.

Bonnie sighs. "Been better..."

Alaric looks up at her. "Listen, Jeremy is an idiot. And I know this with certainty, because I was once a Jeremy. Trust me, we learn...eventually..." He says.

I handed him the photo and he started to compare them. "So, We've been staring at this image all day, wondering why it looked so familiar" I explained to Bonnie as Alaric holds up the necklace, whose charm is the same shape as the drawing for Bonnie to see.

"We were right."

Bonnie looks stunned. "It's the same design."

"So, your grandmother said this necklace belonged to the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus, right?" He questions and Bonnie nods.

"Well, this symbol is repeated all across the wall. We've been trying to figure out what it meant. And now we know..."

He writes something on a post-it, sticks it to the photo and shows Bonnie: the post-it says "witch."


Me Alaric, Elena and Bonnie are in the cave with the drawings on the walls, we went back to label everything.

"We, uh, filled in what we could." Alaric explains as we finished sticking post-its to the different symbols. "A Vampire, werewolf, slaughter, mayhem, etc."

Elena points to a drawing of a tree. "That's the white oak tree that was used in the spell to create the vampires...which means that was when they burned down the tree, destroying the only way that they could be killed" Elena comments.

Alaric and I nod. "Okay, so tree equals a weapon, sort of. We already knew that" Alaric then points at a pair of drawings.

"What we are not sure about is this: we've got the witch symbol, and what looks like a bleeding heart. Upside down figures usually signified death, of some kind."

Elena then says what she learned from Rebekah. "Mikael killed the witch by ripping out her heart. But...why is that one connected to the witch's death?" She questions to the witch.

Bonnie shakes her head. "We don't know. We haven't gotten that far."

Elena looks as though she's made a revelation. "Oh my god...Rebekah doesn't know the real story." I frowned at her.

"What do you mean?" She then quickly explains.

"Rebekah said that Mikael killed the original witch, her mother. But that's not true, Klaus did."

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