Our Town - 2

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Me, Elena, Matt, and Bonnie jumped out with balloons, party hats, and her birthday sign. Caroline didn't show up for school so we took the surprise to her house.

Caroline jumps a step having been surprised, by us. Happy birthday!" Matt and I exclaimed with smiles.

Caroline looks at us all with a smile. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well you blew off school and missed our work of birthday art, so..." Elena said as she takes off the crown she's wearing and puts it on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes, we are going to the Falls. S'mores" Bonnie starts
"camp fire.." I added

"Cake! Like when we were little." Elena finishes. "Except for the tequila!" Matt says shaking the bottle in hand.

Caroline smiles. "Thanks, guys. Really, um, I'm just not feeling my birthday this year."

I frowned at Caroline, taken back in shock, "I'm sorry, what? You've already said that your birthday is the most important day of the year"

"Yeah, and now, it's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead. Look, I didn't even like 17. And the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year."

Elena shakes her head. "You're not stuck, Caroline."

Caroline nods. "Yeah I am, but it's okay. You know, it's all good, I'll be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it."

Elena makes a face "Okay, well I think I have another idea."


"When you said you had an idea I didn't expect this." I muttered as we walked through the cemetery, reaching a crypt.

"There it is!" Elena said shining her light on the Fell family mausoleum. "This is creepy, even for us." Bonnie states as we entered.

"No, Caroline was right...technically, she's dead. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life, so that you can move on with your new one."

Caroline nods, taking off her crown and setting it aside "Okay. Here lies Caroline Forbes..."

"Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls" I say as I put the candles on her cake.

"Friend, daughter," Elena adds while also adding more candles.

"third grade hopscotch champion, overachiever" Bonnie adds.

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offense." Matt says.

Caroline laughs, "Ah, none taken."

"She was 17, and she had a really good life. So rest in peace, so that she can move forward." Elena and I take the cake and walk up to Caroline, holding the cake in front of her.

"That's what you really need. What we all really need. Amen, or cheers or whatever." Elena said with a small laugh. "Bonnie?" I ask of her and Bonnie lights the candles with her magic.

"Nice! Okay, make a wish."
We hold the cake out to Caroline, who smiles at us all. She closes her eyes and then blows out the candles.

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