The Departed - 2

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"I'm being over coddled. I feel completely fine." Elena retorts, throwing the blanket off her. I grab my glass of wine as I respond. “Take advantage of it. You're on house arrest.” 

Matt looks at us both, "Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?" I gave him a look. “I thought we talked about this.” Stefan frowned, “You did?” 

We ignored his question. "And do what?” Elena questioned us. “Go on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you." Elena gets up. "And I'm not an invalid. I'm done with the couch." She stormed off. 

"So, you're just gonna let her call the shots?" Matt asks Stefan. "Letting her make her own decisions." Stefan responses, 

"Even if they're wrong?" 

"Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me, you don't realize that till you lose it." I give him a sympathetic look. 

"You guys." Elena calls out from the front, drawing it out slowly. 

I took my wine glass with me as we went to Elena. She was frozen in the hallway and we quickly realized why. The front door is wide open, and Elijah is standing right there. 

"Hello again." 

"All we need is to take that stake away from him.” Elijah explained. Elena and I sat with him at the table, Matt and Stefan protectively behind us.

“Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us." 

Elijah came in wanting to discuss the return of Klaus' body to his family. It felt like a stupid thing to do, but we had to head him out. 

"And you'll just run?" Stefan questioned skeptically. 

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father.” Elijah reminded us. “What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?" 

Elena sighs. "We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." 

Elijah tilts his head forward like a bow. "I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners."

 "Why should she trust you?" Matt snaps. "All you've done is screw her over." 

I sighed and tapped my fingers against the desk. “I don’t speak for Elena, or probably anyone else here. But-“ I looked up at Elijah. “I trust you.” 

What?!” Damon exclaimed from the phone. “Are you insane?!” 

I begin to state my reason before Damon keeps ranting. “I know I shouldn’t, considering our deals with you involving Klaus never end well.” 

Exactly!” Damon exclaimed. I continued, “but- you’ve known my secret for months now. You could have told Klaus the second Damon undaggered you but you didn’t. You kept my secret. You gave me your word, and you didn’t break it.” I looked at Elena “I trust him.” 

Elijah nodded thankfully. Stefan spoke, “So Elena?” 

Hello?” Damon yelled. “Did that concussion give you brain damage?! His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!"

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms. If you return Klaus' body to us, Elena will come to no harm." Elijah clarifies. "Do we have a deal?" 

"No! No, no, no, no! Did I mention no?" Damon yells. I looked at my sister. "It's up to you." 

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