65. Restrictions and Rewards💯

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By: @mintyoongee


Jeongguk slams the door of the apartment as he walks in, hands and jaw clenched tightly. The walls seem to shake and he is sure the neighbors are going to complain the next day but right now he couldn't care less. Another test, another failure. The physics class is the antithesis of everything Jeongguk does, he never studies and has always expected to pass. It happened in high school, why couldn't it happen now?

The words of his physics teacher echo through his head, 'if you keep going like this you will fail your freshman year of college.' Her disapproving gaze was all it took for Jeongguk to flee. He never did well under the stares of teachers, but especially now it felt as if she was going to incinerate him from her glare.

Collapsing on the couch, Jeongguk drops his two binders and textbook, throwing his head back to fall on the pillow. According to his professors, he has two more assignments in each of his classes to fix his fuck ups. Paired with finals in a month, Jeongguk was screwed. Two essays and two tests. Who even writes essays in physics anyways? I need a nap right now, Jeongguk thinks as his eyes close softly.

But that doesn't happen, because the door to the apartment suddenly opens slowly, making Jeongguk open his tired eyes. He expects to be annoyed - and under any other circumstance he would've been - but he isn't because the absolutely beautiful face of his boyfriend, Park Jimin, comes into view. And who can be annoyed at that ball of perfection?

If there is anyone that can sedate Jeongguk into a lump of putty, it's Jimin, both him and Jimin know that. Although the same goes for the older, Jimin is just as whipped for Jeongguk as it is the other way around.

Jimin's eyes disappear as he walks in, a smile that rivals the sun's brightness slowly stretching his lips. "Hi Jeonggukie." His voice is soft, like usual, and Jeongguk just needs his boyfriend's warmth, so he outstretches his arms wordlessly. They've known each other for years, so Jeongguk knows he doesn't need words for Jimin to understand because he instantly catches onto what Jeongguk means and happily walks forward, discarding his bag and shoes, almost falling into Jeongguk's embrace.

A muted sigh is brushed across Jeongguk's collarbones as Jimin fits himself perfectly into his boyfriend's arms. "I missed you hyung." Jeongguk mutters into Jimin's newly dyed blonde hair. A faint smell of bleach permeates Jeongguk's nose, and it's only somewhat bothersome. Just so long as he is near Jimin.

A noise of recognition vibrates Jimin's lips, and Jeongguk chuckles, arms wrapping around Jimin's waist, breath hitching when said man raises his head up, eyes locking with Jeongguk's. "You're so beautiful." It's just instinct for Jeongguk to speak his mind, and he does it very often when it comes to Jimin, but the latter seems shocked, eyes widening and shy grin tilting his lips up. No matter how many times Jeongguk says it, Jimin always looks the same amount shocked and shy.

"Thank you baby, you're pretty handsome yourself." Jimin counters, leaning forward slightly to catch Jeongguk's lips. Immediately, Jeongguk's mind blanks, all thoughts of his upcoming stressful weeks, the tests and essays, the impending doom of his grades, melt away. The kiss is languid, the slow slip of their mouths together creates just enough friction to draw a small moan from Jimin's mouth.

As much as Jeongguk wants to continue, his subconscious gets the best of him, so he pulls back and is met with a very confused boyfriend. "Is everything okay baby?" Jeongguk can feel Jimin's warm breath on his face, and he almost dives down to continue, but he pushes past it, instead using his fingers to trace small shapes on the exposed skin of Jimin's hips.

Jeongguk thinks for a moment, before he sighs, "Just some two tests and two essays I should work on. We can still cuddle though." He plants another small peck on Jimin's lips, smiling and praying that he doesn't ask about his test.

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