54. Real

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By: @eaden

Like most dumb shit they do, it starts with Jimin's lack of temper and Jeongguk's penchant for making sure it stays extinct.

Or, in simpler words, it all starts with a bet.

The event that led up to it is something appropriately idiotic:

Yesterday, Jimin dropped his mic during soundcheck and, like the natural order of anatomy goes, had to bend over to grab it. Dutifully, Jeongguk's palm promptly collided with the easy victim Jimin's ass was before slinking away like the happy carefree man he's always been.

Jimin didn't even flinch.

It wasn't anything new to anyone; certainly not to him and definitely not to the fans witnessing it.

But when Jeongguk did it again, not half an hour later, he didn't stop at making the skin of Jimin's ass as red as possible. No.

Jeon Jeongguk slapped Jimin's ass hard enough to have him stumbling forward and then he proceeded to grab a handful of his cheek and squeeze, fingers splayed and fucking digging.

Jimin yelped, a terrifying mix of mortification and panic turning him into a flustered mess. But he composed himself quickly, because he's a professional above all else, and proceeded to punch a dent into Jeongguk's upper arm with the sweetest smile on his face because fans were still watching.

And Jeongguk knew he screwed up.

But for reasons unknown to Jimin, after the concert was done and they were all backstage tiredly berating him for the deed, Jeongguk found the situation nothing but amusing.

"I do that all the time," Jeongguk reasoned, though he was more preoccupied with aiming his empty water bottle at the trash can than on his hyungs scolding him. "To all of you." The bottle went in and Jeongguk gave a victorious fist pump.

Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah. But I'm pretty sure you never jammed your fingers up the cleft of my ass."

Jeongguk shrugged, going for another empty bottle. "We've done worse."

Yoongi snatched the bottle from Jeongguk's fingers only to point it at him threateningly. "That's not the point. You need to tone it down or you're gonna out yourselves at this rate. You can be gross together all you want, but not in public. We're all trying to protect you here."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Like people are ever gonna stop calling our relationship brotherly. It's frankly gross at this point and the least I can do is give them reasons not to."

It was a worn-out debate.

Namjoon sighed, gesturing for everyone to go get changed. "Okay, whatever. We're all too tired for this right now. Just be more careful, yeah? Please."

Dismissed and left to his own devices, Jeongguk agreed happily.

That is until him and a pipping-red puffy-cheeked Jimin were back in their room, and his most-of-the-time sweet boyfriend erupted no sooner than the door closed behind them.

"What was that all about?" was demanded of Jeongguk in the most undignified of shrieks. And it was different from the dispute earlier. So different. Jimin actually wanted motives.

And still, in spite of it all, (mostly, the very real, very imminent danger), Jeongguk's grin stretched to pointy ends, a comical villany image if Jimin weren't fuming. "What was what now?"

Jimin's eyes did a brief routine – widening, squinting, narrowing, back to glaring. "In front of so many fans, Jeongguk? Really? I don't even wanna check social media right now and you know I'm the biggest masochist."

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