73. Butterflies Like Flowers pt. 7

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By: @serendipityswan

Everything is different.

Well not everything, but Jungkook can't help but notice changes. Or maybe he is just being paranoid, but after that night in Central Park, things feel different.

Or maybe the looming end of the semester is making him delirious. His art classes all have projects and his other courses have exams, so it wouldn't be that surprising if his tired mind is making things up.

The weather is also changing, getting quite cold and some snow is starting to fall as well. So that could be a reason for the changes as well.

"Or you are just trying to find any excuse to convince yourself that Jimin doesn't return your feelings," Taehyung counters after he let Jungkook ramble for a solid half hour.

"Or you are just trying to get my hopes up," Jungkook retorts, tiredly running a hand down his face. It's two in the morning and he's been trying to study, but after hours of doing so his mind demanded a Jimin intermission, thus leading him to calling Taehyung to vent.

"No offense Jungkook but you aren't the most reliable when it comes to interpreting how others feel, especially not with Jimin. You've been convincing yourself that you have no chance with him for years, so your view of things is frankly distorted."

"You might have a point," Jungkook mumbles.

"I definitely do have a point. He likes you Jungkook. I'm not even there but from what you tell me it is pretty damn obvious."

Jungkook still doesn't fully believe it. Sure Jimin has been even more touchy, even cuddly at times. But the weather is cold and they are both stressed with finals. Jimin just wants some comfort and his only option is Jungkook.

"I know you're thinking that he's only acting this way because he has no other options, but do you really think Jimin couldn't find someone if he wanted to? He wants you, Jungkook," Taehyung continues.

"That just feels too good to be true."

"One day Jimin will just tell you he has feelings and your stubborn ass still won't believe him."

"Hey!" Jungkook replies, a little too loud for two a.m. with Jimin sleeping, wincing at his own volume. He winces again when he hears Jimin's door creak open, knowing he woke the elder up. "Shit."

"What's wrong?"

"I woke Jimin up."

"Kookie?" Jimin questions, standing in the entryway from his room to the living room where Jungkook had been working. His faded pink hair is sticking up all over from his pillows, eyes just barely open as he squints into the darkness. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Jiminie. Didn't mean to wake you," Jungkook replies softly, subsequently hearing Taehyung snicker.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh uh just Taehyung."

"Ooh he knows who I am," Taehyung jokes.

"Shut up," Jungkook murmurs into the phone, making Taehyung laugh.

"Huh?" Jimin questions sleepily.

"Oh no not you," Jungkook clarifies back to Jimin. "Go back to bed hyung. I promise to be quieter."

"God you're so grossly sweet," Taehyung comments. "I'll leave you to your developing romance."

Before Jungkook can complain the call ends, leaving him with the sleepy man now sitting beside him even though the couch has plenty of space to not need to be directly side by side.

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