64. All the king's horses (all the king's men)

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Sequel to Ive been the archer (i've been the prey)

By: @islandbreeze

"They said no? What do you mean they said no?"

Jimin glances up from behind his computer monitor, trying to be subtle about his eavesdropping. Namjoon — the department manager — is usually pretty soft-spoken, but his voice is carrying across the office floor, so it's kind of impossible not to listen in.

Namjoon is currently standing at Woojin's desk, looming ominously. Woojin is another account manager in Jimin's department. Jimin isn't sure exactly what deal they're discussing, but whatever it is, it sounds like it didn't go well.

"Uh," Woojin says, adjusting his shirt collar nervously. He coughs hoarsely and it's clear he's just trying to buy more time to think. "It's not exactly like they said... no. It was more of a not right now?"

Jimin can practically feel Namjoon's blood beginning to boil in the heavy silence that follows. He slides down in his chair a little bit, one hand over his mouth, anticipating the pending explosion.

"Woojin," Namjoon says, his voice booming. Jimin knew it was coming, but he still jumps a little. He tilts his head again, one eye peering out from behind the monitor.

"Do you remember what you told me in our meeting last week?" Namjoon asks. His arms are crossed and he's hovering over Woojin threateningly. Woojin is barely five feet tall, and it doesn't help that he's cowering like a child. He looks tiny.

"I know... I told you that we had this in the bag. I remember," Woojin responds, his voice shaking a little. "At the time, I really believed that. It seemed like a done deal."

Namjoon is speaking calmly, but his overall aura is terrifying. "I've already prepared the report on projected sales for this month. I submitted it yesterday. And I included this deal, based on what you told me. Do you have any idea how much work we'll need to do as a department to make up for the missing revenue? Because I sure as hell am not going to take the blame for this. Unless you'd like to speak to the VP directly and explain?"

Woojin doesn't say anything. He swallows, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times, but he's clearly bit off more than he can chew.

"I've expressed repeatedly what characteristics are important in this role," Namjoon continues, pushing his glasses up his nose and glaring down at Woojin. "I need you to be honest with me. You need to be realistic about what's going to close. I don't tolerate bullshitting around like this, and frankly, you should already know that. Consider this your first and final warning."

Namjoon turns around and walks away, and Jimin lets out a long, low breath, swivelling his chair slightly back towards his computer and typing some random nonsense words in case Namjoon happens to catch him spying. As Jimin glances around, though, he realizes it's probably not necessary; everyone on the office floor is blatantly staring at Woojin, jaws slack.

"Better him than me," Jimin mumbles quietly, looking back to his screen and clicking to open up his email. There's a little notification bell next to the instant messenger tab. He clicks on it, and it's a message from Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook 9:58AM
That was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen

Jimin stifles a giggle, glancing in the direction of Jungkook's cubicle. He doesn't even know why he does it, since it's technically out of view from where he sits.

Park Jimin 10:01AM
You ever been on the receiving end of one of his lectures?

Jeon Jungkook 10:02AM
Once, and I swore to myself it would never happen again. I couldn't sleep for three days

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