106. Me Under You Pt. 6

304 13 3

By: @vera_ba

Maybe this was a bad idea.

"What? Why?" Jimin's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, the younger blinking at him, dumbfounded ––– oh, he said it out loud, didn't he––– "is the crowd bothering you?" the blue-haired continues, now visibly worried, "should we go out for a breather? Or–––"

"No," Jungkook shakes his head, fingers twitching in his pocket with the urge to grab the older's hand and squeeze it reassuringly, to make those worried wrinkles go away ––– "I'm fine with crowds," more than fine, really, he's always preferred blending into the crowd, to be comforted by just ––– being part of the mass of people, but ––– "I just feel out of place," he glances around, swallowing nervously as he checks out the man on his left, the oversized motorcycle jacket and the cargo pants, not to mention the neon green hair ––– he looks so cool, so ––– he glances down on his own attire, cringing inwardly at his white shirt and black skinny jeans, because, that's literally the most basic outfit ever and why couldn't he put a little more effort into his appearance for once––– "a little," he adds, maybe a little too quiet, because Jimin frowns as if he couldn't understand–––

Then his expression softens into something so ––– fond? maybe–––  and before Jungkook could even blink, Jimin pulls him into a side hug, chuckling, something the younger could definitely not do at the moment, considering how he's busy trying to calm his accelerating heartbeat due to the older's close proximity, and more importantly, not let him notice. Remember those old times when Jungkook only knew how touchy Jimin is in theory? Yeah, those days are over, and this new aspect of their friendship is doing things to Jungkook's poor heart. God, maybe this really was a bad idea. He usually hates last minute stuff, considering how he has to mentally prepare himself for every single time has to go out to the big, scary world and socialize, and if anybody else would've suggested going to a rap concert at some strange bar on a weekday, he probably would've found an excuse why he couldn't, but it's Jimin–––

"You know what's my favorite thing about New York, Jungkook-ah?" Jimin says, smiling brightly as the younger shakes his head, "the people here are so unique and so fucking weird–––" he says, emphasizing the last words with dramatic little pauses between them, making the other laugh lightly, "so damn weird it became the normal and literally no one bothers to care about the weirdness of it all anymore," he explains, swaying them to the side playfully, "so every time I worry that people are judging me, especially strangers, I just remember that they've probably seen an old lady hand-feeding some barbeque fries to her pet crow on her shoulder on their way here on the subway and I immediately feel better," he says, cracking a victorious smile as the taller bursts out laughing.

"I've seen a middle-aged dude play the cello in a chicken costume at the station on the 34th last week," Jungkook recalls amusedly as he wipes the corner of his eye.

"See?" Jimin squeezes his shoulder, "you literally need to wear a chicken costume to stand out in this city," he continues, smiling warmly at the younger, "there's no such thing as being out of place here."

Jungkook smiles back – because he can never help himself and not reciprocate, not when it's Jimin, apparently – and Jimin is right, in fact ––– this is exactly why he doesn't feel anxious about crowds in general, too, now that he thinks about it. It's a different perspective, but the same logic, which is, pleasantly surprising. Maybe they aren't so different after all –––

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