21. Silk, Spice and Everything Nice

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By: @wonce_km
Fuck planes. Is the first thought to cross Jungkook's mind as he struggles to retrieve his luggage from the baggage claim. He pushes past a couple who's too wrapped up in their argument to step aside. He gives the blonde woman a death glare and resists the urge to flip the man off.

So, maybe he's in a bit of a bad mood because his flight from Boston was delayed twice and he's just now arriving in Seoul. It's a little past 8 p.m. and Jungkook just wants to go to Taehyung's place, shower and shut down for the day. He watches the carousel go 'round and 'round until he finally sees the familiar green of his suitcase. He darts towards it, snatches it up and is on his way.

It's been two, maybe three years since Jungkook left Korea for The States to pursue a musical career at Berklee. He studied guitar and was extremely popular in the underground scene. Many took to his sweet voice and flawless playing; his good looks also played a part in his popularity. He was often described as the "thoughtful-soft-boy type" who might've had a relationship or five.

Jungkook would've made a killing out there, but Boston was missing the one thing he couldn't forget. The one thing he couldn't move on from. The one thing that caused him to return. That one thing just so happens to be staring back at him from a large LED screen.

Dazzling and charming. Mesmerizing and unforgettable. Park Jimin.

Jungkook stops in his tracks to stare at the screen. His grip on his suitcase loosens and his eyes double in size. Jimin appears to be advertising a lipstick product; the camera zooms in on his lips before zooming out to his face. He flashes a smile and sparkles suddenly appear around him. The Jimin Effect has never been portrayed so well. Whenever Jimin smiled at him, Jungkook pictured the same sparkles, bright like Jimin's personality.

"Are you a fan too?" a young woman suddenly asks, coming up beside Jungkook.

Jungkook has half a mind to walk away like he didn't hear her, but decides to entertain her for a moment, "Yeah,"

"Our Jimin is amazing, huh? So gorgeous, my gosh!"

Our Jimin has a ring to it that gives Jungkook pause. After a moment, he dumbly replies, "Yeah, he's stunning."

The girl idles beside him until the ad finishes, then she dismisses herself with a bow. Jungkook waits a moment, secretly hoping another ad will play. He stares at the screen and when an ad flashing a roundtrip flight to Europe plays, Jungkook clutches his bags and hurries to the exit.

Seoul is a place full of failed attempts, mild successes and late nights spent brooding over sheets of music. Jungkook recalls all these memories as he hails a taxi to Taehyung's place. Taehyung is part of what they used to call themselves: The Rock Bison Bros.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung. Three inseparable kids who grew up together.

Prior to landing, Taehyung texted Jungkook his address and was more than happy to accommodate Jungkook for a week or two as he settled back into the city.

"I'm here for you, but ignore the middle of the night noises, my boyfriend's a screamer."

Jungkook decided not to think about Taehyung's late night shenanigans with his boyfriend who Jungkook knows almost everything about. Taehyung's boyfriend, Jung Hoseok is a well-known movie director. The two met when Taehyung was just kicking off his acting career. A movie director and his muse. A perfect match, really. Jungkook can only hope that he matches that well with someone.

While riding in the taxi, he passes several big ass billboards of Jimin, each a close-up of his unforgettable face. What the fuck is he so beautiful for? Jungkook's head thuds against the window and he sighs.

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