52. Not Your Oppa (I'm the Hyung 3)

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By: @justhere

Jimin was having the time of his life. Fanmeets were always somewhat entertaining, but were made infinitely more so when he got to witness his boyfriend being flustered and trying to hide a boner. It was an easy task given that his legs were hidden by a table, but Jimin was still enjoying himself with Jungkook's obvious discomfort. This is not to say that Jimin has any sadistic tendencies; his interest in Jungkook's pain begins and ends with this (excluding his amusement at the way Jungkook sulks whenever Taehyung beats his high scores).

That being said, he hoped these fans call Jungkook "oppa" more often. "I'm not your oppa," he'd said. Jimin knew that even after the subject had changed, Jungkook's mind was unable to move along with their conversation with the fans. He looked like his thoughts were elsewhere, and Jimin tried his hardest not to appear as pleased as he was by that fact (he didn't need fans to look into it or the members to learn their dirty secret). Still, he couldn't help but kick his boyfriend's foot under the table a couple times in a teasing way that let the younger know that Jimin was on to him.

However, Jimin knew the best part about this experience had yet to come.

"Oppa, it's too cold tonight, can I sleep with you?" Jimin asked in a sickeningly sweet voice when Teahyung was still out in the living room and he knew he could get away with teasing Jungkook privately like this.

"Jesus fucking Christ," groaned Jungkook, rolling over to face Jimin at the door to their room. His hair was a mess and eyes were swollen from having been in bed for nearly half an hour trying to sleep before Jimin had to come in and ruin those efforts.

Jimin giggled and took his response as an invitation to join him in the bed.

"You're insufferable," Jungkook grumbled sleepily, burying his nose in Jimin's silky hair and closing his eyes once again.

"What? What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, confused and a little surprised at the way Jimin pulled him away from the group rather abruptly. They were supposed to go on stage in a minute- what could Jimin possibly have to say right now that's so important?

"Nothing," Jimin insisted, but his mischievous smile said otherwise. He put his hands on Jungkook's waist and gave him a sweet eye smile. "Just wanted to tell you that I love you-"

Jungkook grinned shyly until Jimin finished that sentence.


The younger's grin vanished in less than a second, horrified at the thought that his boyfriend was devious enough to make him horny right before a performance. Needless to say, he had a hard time keeping his eyes off of Jimin's ass and his mind on his own motions for the duration of their set.

"You're getting much more shameless with this... thing," Jungkook commented judgingly when Jimin had thrown himself across Jungkook's lap during a break from dance practice. Jimin had leaned in close to his ear to whisper how good his 'oppa' looked covered in sweat. After Jungkook's comment, Jimin simply grabbed one of his cheeks roughly and kissed the other side of his face loudly. He pulled away with a laugh, chancing a glance at the rest of the members scattered around the room.

"I'm serious. I'm gonna fucking get you for this," the younger growled, causing Jimin to just laugh louder while still holding Jungkook's cheek lovingly.

Jimin admitted to himself that perhaps it was a little cruel to pick up this new hobby in a time of intense promotions (read as: no time for 'personal activities'), but he was having too much fun to stop now. Besides, he rationalized, Jungkook doesn't actually look angry.

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