14. Pocket Play

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By: @Yoonglesheart

"What are you doing, hyung?" Jungkook whispers to Jimin, wide-eyed

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"What are you doing, hyung?" Jungkook whispers to Jimin, wide-eyed.

"Shhh, Kook-ah," Jimin says as his hand snakes into the pocket of Jungkook's slacks.

They are in the middle of a photoshoot that's taking longer than normal, and Jimin is always dangerous when he's bored. Jungkook knows this from experience.

As the photographer calls for a break to change out the lighting filters, Jimin's fingers reach deeper into Jungkook's pocket before curving up and cupping his balls.

A quiet sigh escapes Jungkook's lips as he sees Jimin's eyes flick to his, conveying both a devilish mirth and a warning for Jungkook to remain quiet.

Jimin's been teasing him all dat as they've filmed clips for the behind the scenes footage of the photoshoot. Hand resting just a little too high on Jungkook's leg, foot perched on the couch between Jungkook's thighs, that little extra bounce he took onto his lap. When Jungkook blocked Jimin from sitting on his lap the second time, he watched with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as Jimin's eyebrow rose slowly, a Slytherin grin creeping onto his face as if to say, "Oh yeah? Challenge accepted."

Jungkook grinned back tauntingly at the time, but now, as he feels Jimin's tiny pinkie ghosting across his balls, he knows this is definitely a fight he is not going to win. At the same time, he also cant bring himself to ask Jimin to stop.

The make-up noona approaches to blot away the perspiration now appearing on his upper lip. This isn't good, he thinks as she removes the blotting paper and he feels the sweat return almost immediately, the dampness moving up to his brow. His muscles tense as he uses every bit of self control not to move his hips, chasing Jimin's feather light touch.

Jimin relishes in teasing him, a fact that is not lost on Jungkook as Jimin begins to gently roll his balls in his tiny hand while carrying on a conversation with Jin, who stands to his other side. If Jungkook could think properly at this moment, he would marvel at Jimin's ability to multitask-or perhaps worry about a possible diagnosis of split personality syndrome-probably both. As it is, Jungkook's thoughts are solely focused on breathing, not making noise, and the increasing throbbing sensation between his legs. He takes a deep breath and exhales shakily, drawing Hobi's attention, who looks at him with concern until Jungkook manages a half smile in his direction, seemingly satisfying him.

Its not to say Jungkook minds being teased by Jimin. Quite the opposite actually. They've made a game of it at home, with Jimin edging Jungkook for hours, until he's a sobbing, begging mess and willing to perform whatever sadistic acts Jimin requires in return for granting him some relief. But this-in public and inches apart from the other members, and staff and even strangers-this is new.

The other members remain in their places and chat casually with each other, oblivious to the crisis taking place in Jungkook's pants as he feels Jimin's hand readjust, turning to run a finger up the length of his swelling cock. He swallows a gasp in his throat as Jimin's finger traces the ridge along the head.

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