113. Me Under You Pt. 13

250 11 2

By: @vera_ba

"I'll go get Namjoon Hyung."

Jin nods, squeezing his brother's shoulder gently as the latter stiffens at the sound of his voice. Jungkook keeps staring at him, those wide eyes even more panicked now that he's leaving, hand twitching in his lap as if he wanted to reach after the older, silently asking him to stay –––

Jimin has to fight the urge to crouch back down, take the younger's hand and tell him it's okay, but ––– it's really not, and maybe it's better for both of them if he goes.

So, he steps back, giving the blond a weak smile and turns before all of his self-control slips away. Jimin stumbles back into the stuffy bar, muttering some apologies absent-mindedly as he bumps into a few people on his way, he squeezes through another large group, inhaling deeply as he arrives at their table. Four worried pairs of eyes turn towards him, expecting some answers, an explanation, anything –– Jimin has no idea how to give that to them. He has no idea how to explain what happened without bursting into tears.

"Joon," he starts, turning to the writer, "Jin is taking Jungkookie home," the blue-haired explains, "they're waiting for you," he adds, picking up the youngest's coat and folding it gently before giving it to the other, heart constricting in his chest. Namjoon doesn't ask for more information – he probably has a guess anyway –, just takes his coat along with his husband's, saying goodbye to everyone then squeezing the younger's shoulder with a soft smile, one that's supposed to reassure him that everything is going to be alright, but ––– it doesn't feel like it.

He slumps down on a chair after Namjoon disappears in the crowd, taking one of the half full glasses from the table and downing it. The whiskey burns, but in the best way possible, leaving that faint smokey aftertaste behind. He almost feels bad for taking Yoongi's expensive drink. Almost. He takes Jungkook's too because he sure as hell won't be here to take it anyway, so –––

"Woah there ––– easy," Yoongi takes the glass from him before he chugs it down it too, "Jimin–ah, come on–––" the older puts the glass at a safe distance from him, "it won't help, you know that," he adds, the younger's shoulder slumping defeatedly, not in the mood to argue, although he doesn't agree at all.

It might help.

And he doesn't know shit, apparently, the navy-haired thinks, his vision starting to get blurry –––

" Hey–––Jiminie, honey," Hobi wiggles closer to him, wrapping the younger in a warm hug, head resting on his shoulder, "it's going to be okay," the dancer says, even without knowing what happened and Jimin knows he means it because Hoseok always has faith in a positive outcome, oh, how does he wish he could hold the same sentiment right now ––––

"I know," he says anyway. Deep down he knows it's going to be okay eventually, just ––– maybe not the way he hoped for.

"Is Jungkook okay?" Taehyung asks hesitantly, all eyes on him immediately. The dark-haired shifts, adjusting his dress shirt to try and mask his discomfort ––– fuck, Jimin didn't think about how this would affect everyone around them.

"He ––– "Jimin halts, unsure if he should ––– well, he shouldn't sugar coat it for Tae at least, right? And he needs someone to talk about it, so the other two would hear about it for the sake of understanding what the hell just happened. "He had an anxiety attack," he explains, Taehyung staring at him with wide eyes full of concern and so many questions ––– "I –– I think I might've unintentionally caused it," he admits, the words heavy on his tongue, bitter.

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