66. ours are the moments i play in the dark

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By: @islandbreeze

"What is the purpose of chihuahuas? Like, why do they even exist?" Seokjin asks, draining the rest of his gin and tonic with a long swallow. "What is the point?"

Jungkook laughs, his cheeks a little rosy from the few beers he's had. They're nearly shouting to be heard over the loud din of the crowd in the packed bar. "Some people love them, okay? I know they're not for everybody, but believe it or not, I've met some sweet ones. They can definitely be, um... yippy, though."

Seokjin scoffs. "I'm sure they're tolerable once you've knocked them out for surgery or something. No wonder you think they're fine. I bet they're perfectly pleasant once they're unconscious."

"That's a little harsh, Jinnie," Namjoon says, choking back a laugh. Yoongi and Hoseok glance at each other with twinkling eyes and exchange a knowing look: Here comes drunk Seokjin and his uncanny ability to offend everyone in 3, 2, 1...

"I just don't understand tiny dogs in general," Seokjin says flatly. "Why haven't they gone extinct? What is their value? Why are we intervening to keep them alive?"

That captures Taehyung's attention from across the booth, and he cuts himself away from his conversation with Jimin to stare at Seokjin with his mouth hanging open. "How dare you speak that way about my precious baby—"

Seokjin throws up his hands. "I'm not talking about Yeontan. He's gained quite a bit of weight recently, if you haven't noticed. Calling him a tiny dog would be a stretch."

Taehyung reaches over and flicks Seokjin's forehead with his thumb and index finger, earning a surprised yelp.

"You're lucky I love you," he tells Seokjin, letting out a dramatic sigh before turning back to Jimin with a look on his face that clearly communicates: What the hell are we going to do with him?

Jimin just shakes his head and laughs, taking another sip of his red wine and running a hand through his hair in faux exasperation.

It's either his third or fourth glass—by this point, he can't really remember. It's rare that all seven of them have the opportunity to get together like this, and when they do, they have a tendency to let loose completely, just like old times. And letting loose—well, that's exactly what they're doing.

Seokjin completely loses his brain-to-mouth filter when he's tipsy, and after a few drinks, he'll thoughtlessly blurt out whatever string of words comes to mind. This has gotten him into more than a little bit of trouble over the years.

Each of them has a trademark quirk or habit that creeps out after they've been drinking, actually, and those are all coming out in full force this evening. Jimin gets so flirty that his friends have to supervise him carefully, and he'll always scoff and insist he's not flirting!—even as his jacket slips down to expose a bare shoulder and he's batting his eyelashes at everyone who passes by.

Taehyung becomes quiet and stoic, happy to sit and silently observe everyone else as they have a good time. Jungkook, who's usually pretty introverted, transforms into a giggly, outspoken, smiling ray of sunshine who laughs too loudly at every joke. Namjoon somehow gets even more cerebral, eager to start a debate over whatever ridiculously obscure concept he's been obsessed with that particular week. His debate partners are only sometimes willing.

As for Yoongi and Hoseok, they stick together like glue when they're drinking, tag-teaming in their efforts to ignore everyone else's unhinged, drunken shenanigans, doing their best to carry on a normal conversation.

"It's nice to have everyone here," Tae says quietly to Jimin, leaning his mouth towards Jimin's ear. It's difficult to hear him over the loud and musical sound of Jungkook cackling over something Namjoon's just said. "How long has it been? A month? Two?"

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